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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    Dining Out & Tips.

    Shouldn't that be TEPS? (To Ensure Proper Service)
  2. ollie

    Playoff pool?

    So says the guy who must only take part in office pools filled with newbish bandwagon jumping Sens fans who only pick from their hometown team. Where do you get this shit?
  3. ollie

    Playoff pool?

    That's the gambling aspect. What the fuck are you talking about?
  4. ollie

    Playoff pool?

    You can still load your roster with players from 5 out of 16 playoff teams if you want. But, fuck you all.
  5. ollie

    Playoff pool?

    I think this method is more practical. And we should limit it to 2 or 3 players per team. In!
  6. ollie

    Dining Out & Tips.

    I tip 20% on the total before tax, rarely leave less than 15% and can't remember never leaving a tip. I don't tip on fast food or anywhere that has a tip jar. If you combine the taxes to calculate the tip, keep in mind that the GST has dropped 2 points so what used to be a 15% tip in Ontario would now be 13%. I think. On the one hand I find it offensive when a restaurant calculates in the tip with the bill, on the other hand it's usually less than I would have left so I just pay it.
  7. ollie

    Playoff pool?

    Ah ha, I figured out who Plomox is.
  8. ollie

    a mission

    Ha ha, I thought that piece of cheese was the best looking part.
  9. Who's got my heady government job in California?
  10. I just checked my tape of the 6 PM airing... you were shown in the bumper but not in the news feature. Did they do a shorter edit for that broadcast?
  11. Draw for FA Cup semi-finals: Barnsley v Cardiff West Brom v Portsmouth
  12. I know what's worse than winter. Listening to co-workers regale each other with tales of the amount of snow in their driveways, as if it only snowed in their part of the city.
  13. People who like winter are stupid.
  14. Quoted for future reference.
  15. ollie

    Winter Music

    John Coltrane - Crescent
  16. ollie

    Winter Music

    Today's weather makes it the perfect day to sit inside, drink and listen to some mellow music. I have Feist's The Reminder spinning right now and it seems to fit the occasion. What do you consider to be good winter music?
  17. First Portsmouth puts ManU out of the FA Cup and then Barnsley does the same to Chelsea (after doing the same to Liverpool). WOW.
  18. Sorry, I meant to write pathetic.
  19. Thank god I fell asleep after the second to save myself some sleep. Gerber posts a 1-goal game and Sens waste it because they can't score. Unbelievable.
  20. He literally sounded like he was 15 years old and calling his friends to kill time. Called Gerber "phenomenal". I really won't be able to do it justice. It was like a message board meeting a talk show.
  21. I know you certainly are.
  22. I know I'm probably the only one listening but, worst caller ever on the Team right now.
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