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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Rob, have you checked out the Rogers On Demand channel (100 I beleive)? It has a karaoke section. Check it out.
  2. I wonder what "played by" really means. Did he sitethere and knock out a song on each guitar before signing it and moving on to the next one? Or did he just strum a chord to get it done pronto?
  3. For the past couple of days I haven't been able to open threads in Rich Stadium using Internet Explorer -- browser just hangs while loading. Firefox works fine but it's not my default browser at work. Anyone else experiencing the same? My intial guess is that there's an HTML problem with the ads or summat.
  4. I agree. Bumped for exposure. General rule of thumb is that most everything the dude at Future Shop tells you is a complete lie.
  5. With what then? If you don't mind...
  6. CBC must have seen my reply in the Car Stereo thread. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showpost.php?post/510771/
  7. Wow, ottawa signed them pretty freely. I guess that's one of the reasons they got some "hometown discounts" in the recent rounds of signings. Hope it doesn't come back to bite them in the ass. Weird. Murray said on The Team yesterday that only 2 guys on the roster had no trade clauses.
  8. Dave and I will be in the rafters too. I'll post my ticket info here when I get it.
  9. ollie

    Car Stereo

    Here's a related warning on the "Did I just get ripped off?" tip: don't buy Monster brand cables!! Ever.
  10. ollie

    Why We Have Debt

    I just can't believe Brad would be so cutthroat. Good point about the interest though.
  11. The doors open about an hour before puck drop. There's no tailgating action to speak of in this weather. You might see a few carloads of people given'r in the spring but it's tame as fuck. You guys might be entertained enough just checking out the building. You can also watch the pre-skate, usually about 45 minutes before puck drop. A warning about parking... unless you get a spot that's close to one of the exits, and/or are very aggressive, you could be stuck in traffic for up to an hour after the game. If you're not in a rush I suggest a post-match beer at one of the arena's restaurants. Christine and I will be there, where are you guys sitting?
  12. ollie

    Why We Have Debt

    That never happens. Even a high interest savings account is doing something with the money. Besides, banks in Canada are public companies, and as such, are legally required to pursue growth at any cost that doesn't explicitly violate the law (one of many reasons, like all public companies, they find themselves continually in such compromising situations playing at the fringes and grey areas of law). I was talking about Brad, not the banks.
  13. Fack off you facking fackers. GO SENS GO!!
  14. ollie

    Why We Have Debt

    I concur. If I were asked to loan somebody some money' date=' I not only need to be paid back, I need to have my cost* covered, and charging interest is one way to do that. Aloha, Brad * Specifically, the opportunity cost of not being able to enjoy the benefit of using that money some other way in the time it's loaned out. But what if you had so much money that you weren't going to do anything with the lent-out money anyway?
  15. In hindsight it looks like the change in pronunciation of Huet should have tipped a trade to an American team.
  16. I suggest you demand he be fired.
  17. Be thankful that it's in the right forum.
  18. All the trade tracker servers are busy!!
  19. Where's the "rolls eyes" smilie?
  20. As I sat down to watch the match Christine told me there was a message from you on the phone. I didn't listen to it but took that as a good sign. Then we were trying to guess at what point in the match you would have called. I thought it was the go-ahead goal. Looks like the lads celebrated in style... :cool: Tottenham celebrate Carling Cup victory with drunken brawl at Essex nightclub
  21. Boink! Just got done watching the match... awesome!! Thank god the last shot bounced off the post, even after the whistle. Incredible stuff.
  22. That was supposed to be in purple right?? Seriously' date=' why would we have the public school system be a location for 'tests of faith'? Should we not replace the prayer with one from Scientology to use everyday and simply call it a test of faith for all those children who are being confused by religion in the first place? To me, it's stuff like this that further enforces that it has no place in the public school system. [/quote'] Don't exaggerate what I said! I didn't imply that the purpose behind prayer in school is to test people of other religion's faith... my point is that as an individual you have options on how to handle an uncomfortable situation. Tolerance goes a lot further than legislation.
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