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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Peter King: Arizona reaches all-time low with historic choke job This is the best part:
  2. I heard they play the new album in its entirety plus a handful of hits on this tour. I've read mixed reviews, usually dependent on how familiar the author is with the new material.
  3. Taping both TSN games on the DVR then watching as soon as I get home. Wish I still had RDS.
  4. I stayed up for that bullshit! Still pissed when I woke up. Fucking Cardinals.
  5. Ha ha! Wanna tape that one for me Davey Boy?
  6. I'm thinking bouche might have some stuff. Hopefully he sees this.
  7. [color:purple]How does opening for the JGB rank? (Incidentally, that was my first nero show.)
  8. Hey! (At least it wasn't tobacco!)
  9. ollie

    North Korea

    [color:purple]Hey, at least he's not American!
  10. Meh. Doesn't really live up to the hype.
  11. Keyboard died at some point in the first set. Then near the beginning of set two, with the band playing, bouche and Hux walk on stage with the Rhodes and Josh was back in action. There was some inspired thinking going on there.
  12. Yay! I got my Shakedown Street!! It sounded great, even without the keys. But I missed Eyes of the World when I went out for an ill-advised smoke break. So nice to see the Ottawa skanks congregated in one place, as others have said doesn't seem to happen as often as before. Also nice to finally meet the legend MarcO and edger. Wish I had more time to chat it up and that I wasn't so wasted but that's what happens on Saturday night!!
  13. Welcome back to O-town Del! Happy Birthday!!
  14. The liberal leadership race is a farce -- just take a look at the top two candidates. I'm pulling for a Dion win. Even if he can't beat Harper, he won't drag the Liberal party down even further into the mud. If only he had a hint of charisma. P.S. smoothshredder, I had to replace the single quotes with double quotes in the thread title because it was giving me the misleading "subject line is too long" error message when attempting to reply.
  15. I'm digging the original tunes too. I just get excited when I see Shakedown Street on a setlist... no matter how overplayed (by bands in general) y'all think it is.
  16. Nice to know you're still think of us Whitey.
  17. Watch out Peter Crouch... I might have a new favourite. Friday's football gossip
  18. Absolutely. I hope he steals Gerber's job.
  19. For about a minute. Not the hours and hours of coverage that the news is going to afford the event.
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