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Posts posted by bradm

  1. What would be cool would be life-sized cardboard cutouts of the Sanctuarians who would be there but can't because of other commitments...if you wanted to be represented, you'd attach a fiver to your cutout for the door fee, have someone carry it in for you and set it up, have some cardboard cutouts of the drinks of your choice, maybe have someone shake your cutout around to make like you're dancing, arrange ahead of time if you want it to get so cardboard drunk it hits on people and/or falls over...



  2. Velvet, you're a star. The best part about this is that you talked to the owner in *his* language: money (i.e., attendance). I'll be there, and try to drag as many of my friends out as possible.

    How about we try for a two-fer? I'm going to C.D. on Friday for Ferriswheeler / Dr. Hux*, and it'd be cool if we could pack the place two nights out of three with Sanctuarians, esp. if the owner recognized the people on Sunday as having been there on Friday.



    * Yes, I know AMB is playing on Friday.

  3. Yeeee-haaaawwww! Gad, *Zaphod's*?!? I'm not sure they'll be able to fit the whole 'bone on the *stage* at Zaphod's. This is gonna be in*tense* folks!

    Where are advance tickets available?


    BRAD (Bonin', Really Amped, Diggin')

  4. Sort of intense funk/ska/militant music. I think of them as coming out of the two-tone ska movement of the early 80s (think Madness, Selecter, Specials) pumped up to (and beyond) RHCP level.

    The music is pretty (and personally) political; they've done a lot of songs about trouble'n'strife in the inner-city (e.g., "Pray To The Junkymaker", a cover of Curtis Mayfield's "Freddie's Dead").

    This is not so much groove'n'relax music, it's more fret'n'sweat music. (I saw them at Porter Hall back in [iIRC] '94, and the lead singer did a monkey-bars thing in the light lattice above the crowd, showering us with sweat all the way.)

    Up close and personal at Zaphod's, it's going to be a blast. I can't wait.



  5. Harpua: Does DC work through a firewall? I'm set up with a dynamic proxy configuration (i.e., I don't have a hard-coded proxy, I have Netscape set up to use automatic proxy configuration with a ".pac" file).



  6. Actually, I just tried http://www.ticketmaster.ca and found a seat in the 200s (with a warning that it may be an obstructed view), so it doesn't look like it's sold out.

    I'm not sure I'm going to the BF&tF/DMB show; as much as I want to Bela, I don't want to see him at a big venue like the Corel Centre. But even without the main show, the after-party at Babylon (it is Babylon, isn't it?) is going to be the bomb. It's worth it to come to Ottawa just for that.



  7. Sorry 'bout that. My "Time To Go" alarm went off (largely due to TTC limits), and except for letting PassedOutGuy know I was leaving (as he had his and a friend's stuff stashed where I was sitting), I didn't talk to (m)any people. (I was also in a not-great headspace, and slinking away into the darkness was more my speed than making the rounds of pleasant salutations.)



  8. Playing Devil's Advocate, remember that Dekcuf didn't have to put in the sound system they put in; they could have gone with a basic PA with no recording capability, but chose to spend the extra bucks to have a great-sounding system with (digital, IIRC) recording. They should be able to recoup that investment.

    Personally, I think $300 is a bit much (what does a band like Downtime or GTB or Nero earn for a performance?), but if the quality is as good as what you can get in a recording studio, it's in the competitive range (what does a 2- or 3-hour session in a recording studio cost, including mastering to stereo?).

    I don't think that banning taping is going to make them any more money, so we need to find ways that make Dekcuf money while allowing us the ability to tape. I'd be happy paying a couple of bucks extra at the door (say $8 instead of $6 or $5) to gain access to tapes.



  9. quote:

    Originally posted by dave-O:

    Last night Mr. Hux and I started the "battle" the only way we know how - by smoking bowls and watching Dead videos until 4 am!

    If that's the way you guys "battle", then I want to see you become international conflict negotiators...we could parachute you into the Middle East, have you hook up with Arafat and Sharon, give you enough supplies, and watch that whole powderkeg get defused in one overnight session...

    Have a good show-O, dave-O.



  10. Sure they can ban bands from taping their own shows: it's their venue. There's nothing that says they have to let the band use the sbd feed (it's their equipment, and they say how it gets used), and they can ban audience taping if they want to (because they say what can/can't go on in their room).

    What needs to happen is to make Cafe Dekcuf realize that it's in their best interest to allow taping. This means making sure that tape-friendly bands bring in good audiences, and that taping doesn't make them miss out on money they'd get if taping weren't allowed. I realize they've spent a lot setting up their (great) sound system, and need to make their investment back (and they have a right to make money on it), so let's offer to work *with* them (rather than threaten them or break their rules).

    Maybe a compromise would be to not have audience taping if the band agrees to pay to have Dekcuf record. If a band wasn't going to pay Dekcuf to record, Dekcuf isn't losing any money by having audience taping; if a band is paying for recording, the audience should respect that and not compete. (This is just an idea, and not necessarily my opinion.)

    I like the place, its location, its feel, and the bands that are being brought there; I just hope we don't have to go somewhere else (where?).



  11. And they did Freeewaaaayyy Jaaaammmm!!! (Sorry, I just had to say it...)

    Actually, their FJ was different from Nero's, more like the one on "Jeff Beck With The Jan Hamer Group" then the one on "Blow By Blow"; a little punchier and more aggressive.

    I think we should try to arrange a jam-off with Downtime and Nero (or maybe a three-way: Downtime, Nero, and GTB).


    BRAD (Been Raving About Downtime)

  12. I'm going to try and come at this from the other direction: one thing all/most "jambands" have in common isn't musical, it's *social*. Bands like the Dead, Phish, SCI, etc., foster strong communities in their fanbases, through allowing taping/trading, making following whole tours worthwhile, etc.

    It's amazing to see the scene in the lot at a Phish or SCI show, and see people delighted to meet and hug friends they hadn't seen for a while; you don't get that kind of thing at a Britney Spears, Celine Dion, or Bon Jovi concert.

    Also, jamband fans *know* the music. You can go on the Dead or Phish newsgroups, ask a question like, "What's the best version of {some song}?" and get back detailed lists and analyses, and probably a few B&P offers. The fans are also extremely willing to share the music, through B&P offers, spinning tapes for newbies who want to get into the music, "miracling", etc.

    I think that jambands also interact more with the audience during a show than non-jambands. From seeing SCI, for example, it wasn't them putting on a show for us, it was more like a *mutual* party, with them doing their part, and us doing ours, with feedback between the floor and the stage; they gave off fun music, we took in the fun, transmogrified it, amplified it, and fed it back to them, which made them make funner music, and so on and so on.

    If I were a sociology major, this might make a good thesis project...



  13. Just a question: how many Sanctuarians were at the Ottawa show in '94? I know bouche and the Sloth were, and so was I, how many others? (I remember talking to one of two people [especially one guy who let me in front of him in the beer line]); I wonder if any of them are on the Sanctuary?)



  14. Back in '94, I started hearing about Phish in the Bela Fleck and Zappa newsgroups. I saw that they were coming to Ottawa, and decided to take a chance.

    The first thing that blew me away was that the ticket said 8pm, and they hit the stage at 8:05pm. I don't think I'd ever seen a band do that, before or since.

    I hadn't heard any of their music until they started playing, but within four bars of the opener, "Rift", I was *hooked*. The a capella stuff, the trampolines, the GTBT encore, the *vibe* in the room...there was no looking back.

    I started buying the albums (starting with "Rift"), and paying closer attention to the scene. There was a bit of a drought in S. Ont. for the next couple of years, but I saw them again in Toronto in '99 and '00 (both good shows, IMO).

    Since then, I've expanded, getting into the Dead, more into Bela Fleck, into *tons* of stuff via the Sanctuary (which I hooked up with thanks to a Phish t-shirt I was wearing coming back from the DMB show last year; I bumped into Davey Boy and we got to talking, and he brought us along to Nero at the 'Post...further things from which I haven't looked back...), SCI, Oysterhead, and, of course, Phish.

    Sturgeon's Law states that 90% of everything is crap...the flipside, though, is that 10% of everything is *good*. The trick is to get in touch with that 10%, or with someone who's in touch with it, and then *revel* in it.



  15. There are two articles in the Sun today y'all might be interested in, one on Ferriswheeler:


    talking a bit about jamming to Sesame Street tunes, the upcoming tour, the Friday Barrymore's show, and a bit of band history.

    The other is on Babylon:


    which talks about the club's 4-year history, their mix-up musical tastes, and Thursday reggae with Raggamuffin.



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