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Posts posted by bradm

  1. When I click on the link, I get the nerolog web page for about a second, and then it gets replaced by a "Page Not Found" error. (Is the nerolog trying to load up something that isn't there?)



  2. What's the difference between a musician and a large pizza?

    A large pizza can feed a family of four.

    What do you call a guy who hangs around with a bunch of musicians?

    A drummer.

    How can you tell there's a drummer at your door?

    The knocking gets faster.

    Why are jokes about drummers so lame?

    So the bass player can understand them.

    How many record producers does it take to change a light bulb?

    Don't ask *me*.

    How many promoters does it take to change a light bulb?

    I'll get back to you on that.

    How many guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?

    One hundred. One to change the light bulb, and 99 to stand around and argue that Steve Vai could do it better.



  3. quote:

    Originally posted by bouche:

    Now hopefully everyone doesn't get the shows confused with their My Computer Icons...


    If you see that Recycle Bin is playing on Tuesday at the Cafe Dekcuf, then there may be a problem!

    Thanks for the great stuff H!

    Just for that, I'm putting a band together called "Recycle Bin" (which will probably only play covers...).



  4. Thanks, guys. I wasn't so much interested in trading it as burning to CD for a friend or two who don't really do the download/SHN/MP3 thing (so they wouldn't be making any copies of it).

    I think I'll wait until I get SHNs of the show before burning it, though, just for the better quality.



    P.S. I'm almost at the end of listening to it, and this show is a *great* one. I'd love to have been there (or at any show where this kind of thing happens). Thanks, Bouche.

  5. I'm almost finished downloading it right now, and I'm just about halfway through listening to Disc1 even as I type.

    Bouche: I notice that the download is split up into d1/d2/d3; does this mean it's tradeable, even though it's a show of MP3s?



  6. There's an article about the show at:


    The set list was:


    New Orleans Is Sinking


    Fully Completely

    Grace, Too


    New song (Use It Up?)

    Gift Shop

    Ahead By A Century

    New song (Darkest Wall?)

    Puttin' Down

    At The 100th Meridian


    Nautical Disaster

    My Music At Work


    Lake Fever

    New song (All Torn Up?)

    Blow At High Dough



  7. a) I actually like walking a lot. It may not be the best way to get between places/cities, but once you're in a place/city, it's a great way to get to see what's there.

    B) I did a month in Europe in Sept./Oct., and it was a blast (do a Sancutary search on "foreign correspondence" for some of my reports from the field). I also did two weeks in Japan (with my brother, who lives there), and it was almost as cool.

    c) One afternoon in Toulouse, France (which will show up in the search mentioned above) just about blew my circuits. It made me realize that, rather than me coincidentally finding magical stuff, there's magical stuff happening all over the place, and I just have to get tuned into it.



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