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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. For the last two years running, I've turned mine on during the folk fest here in Calgary. The only time they EVER get turned on is during folk fest too. We usually hang on the front stoop with the lights on and PAAARTay! Can't wait for that weekend again...if anyone is coming to calgary near the end of July, and wants to party and hit up the folk fest, I live right accross the river...come one come all...I'll even turn on the x-mas lights for ya!!

    merry humbug, Douglette.

  2. Sounds good, Kev. We will hook up for some brewski action for sure then...Sunshine was pretty awesome today as well. We managed to find this nice little pocket of fresh stuff that we played in all day. Was a great half day!! See ya later in the week.

  3. Moyo Combo at Lake Louise on Saturday. Skiing, Music, Beer. Mmmmmm... ::

    They're going back for more eh? Good for them! I assume you're going?

    We're just trying to figure out if its possible for us to take off work and go for a half day at Sunshine today...snow just keeps on falling!!

  4. Wow. That was a great read!! I lived in the area for a little over 10 years and after reading that, I NEED to go back for a little visit. It would be worth it to go for the Giardano's and Portillos alone, but there is something special about that city for sure. I've been to every major city on the eastern side and a good handful in between and in the west...HANDS DOWN the best city. Clean, cultured, beautiful, curious and scrumdidilyumptious! I miss that town and all my great friends still there. Glad to hear she provided well for you cats...gonna have to get there this summer me thinks..Cheers.

  5. I thought these guys were pretty good too. There were moments that totally remided me of JSB (in subtle ways). Woth checking I think...as well, I believe they are an East side band which makes them more interesting to some (most) around here!

  6. So let me preface this by saying that I love the outdoors. I am very much in love with the Canadian Rockies and have spent countless hours/days/months/years playing out here. Recently, I've been reading the series of books put out by Sid Marty:

    Men for the Mountains:


    Leaning on the Wind: Under the Spell of the Great Chinook:


    Switchbacks: True Stories of the Canadian Rockies


    All of these are wonderfully written books and I highly recommend them to anyone, especially if you've spent any time in Western Alberta/Eastern BC parks and wilderness. I'm sure they are available at any local library. If you need a suggestion for which one to start with, try "Switchbacks". Apparently he also has a web page

  7. Go to the Berghoff Bar

    Go eat Deep Dish pizza at Giardono's

    Go eat Italian Beef at Portillo's

    Buddy Guy's is an excellent choice

    Go to Greek Town and get the best damn Gyro man has to offer

    Get high and drive through Lower Wacker

    Go hang out in wrigglyville

    There are a number of INCREDIBLE museums to visit.

    Go to a Bulls game

  8. damnit bouche! that avatar makes you look like a gooned up Phil Lesh.

    and as for you, Booche. Good for you buddy, what kid doesn't have a "my drunk uncle" story. You're nurturing ways continue to inspire me each day!

  9. As for Canadians not celebrating good things that come from here, I would disagree. The real problem is how people find mediocre homegrown talent to be better than it actually is, based on the idea that they're "supporting Canadian talent".

    whoa, where is zero when ya need him ... i see this statement and i can't help but remember the days of yore ;)

    Nice rant by the way. Nothing like the quality of television to bring out the fun!!

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