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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. Two from the same era, a couple of my favourites! I really dig the 69-72 stuff. This is one my favourite 72 shows here (complete 100 yr hall show)

    Grateful Dead

    February 28, 1969

    Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA

    Three Discs

    Source info:

    16-Track Master Reel>DAT>CD>EAC>SHN

    (Extraction and.shn encoding by Seth Kaplan, Sdk022769@aol.com)

    (Initial seeds circulated by C. Miller via Aoxoa ====> THANKS!)

    Disc 1

    Set One:

    1. Bill Graham Intro (Set One) > 00:12

    2. Morning Dew 10:43

    3. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl 10:50

    4. Doin' That Rag 06:04

    5. King Bee 07:17

    6. Turn On Your Lovelight 19:30

    Total Disc Time: 54:39

    Disc 2

    Set Two:

    1. Bill Graham Intro (Set Two) > 00:05

    2. Cryptical Envelopment > 01:57

    3. Drumz > 00:14

    4. That's It For the Other One > 08:01

    5. Cryptical Envelopment Reprise > 08:31

    6. Dark Star > 19:55

    7. St. Stephen > 05:05

    8. William Tell > 01:08

    9. The Eleven > 16:49

    10. Death Don't Have No Mercy 10:00

    Total Disc Time: 71:50

    Disc 3

    Set Two, cont. Encore:

    1. "We've Got to Think of

    Something to Do!..."--->"Crocodile!" > 00:44

    2. Alligator > 03:39

    3. Drumz > Drummers' Chant > Drumz > 04:14

    4. Power Jam > 12:29

    5. Caution (Do not Stop on Tracks) > 11:23

    6. Feedback > 05:25

    7. And We Bid You Goodnight >

    Goodnight from All the Electronic Mice... 01:40

    Total Disc Time: 39:38

    Grateful Dead

    March 01, 1969

    Fillmore West

    San Francisco, CA

    Two Discs

    Source info: SBD

    Lineage: 16-Track Master Reel > DAT > DAT > CD >

    EAC > SHN > MKW .WAV file conversion >

    Cool Edit 2000 > MKW .shn file conversion >

    shntool > MKW .WAV file conversion > CD

    Disc 1:

    Set One:

    1."We'd like to apologise for

    everything, always! >

    Tuning >

    Bill Graham Intro (Set One) > 1:07

    2. Cryptical Envelopment > 1:57

    3. Drumz > 0:11

    4. That's It For the Other One > 10:05

    5. Cryptical Envelopment Reprise > 8:41

    6. New Potato Caboose > 11:42

    7. Doin'That Rag > 5:57

    8. Cosmic Charlie 5:58

    Total Disc Time: 45:41

    Disc 2: (requires an 80 minute disc)

    Set Two:

    1."Paging Mr. Hart..." >

    Bill Graham Intro (Set Two) > 0:56

    2. Dupree's Diamond Blues > 3:58

    3. Mountains of the Moon 4:56

    4. Dark Star > 23:22

    5. St. Stephen > 5:36

    6. William Tell > 1:09

    7. The Eleven > 7:07

    8. Turn On Your Lovelight > 18:14

    9."We got a broken string here

    and we're gonna have to fix it

    and that's that, but then...

    we'll play!" >

    "I mean we can play, but we can

    only play something short..." >

    "It's OK man, we'll make it up as

    we go along!" > 6:34

    10.Encore: Hey Jude 7:53

    Total Disc Time: 79:49

  2. Yeah, not trying to stir the pot or tell people what they should or shouldn't do but I'm pretty sure we could come up with in idea that involves money going to jambands wtih some sort of a reward system...like the public radios do for their fund raisers. Hell, it should be EASY to raise the funds necessary to keep the site going...anything extra could go to a charity or something.

    Just spouting here really, I mean, I feel if I could kick down a 20, 95% of the people on here could. If you can't you can't, or dont want to, fine, I don't need to hear reasons why...just think about it.

  3. Yeah, I'm not a fan of those ads at all...but, I'm sure this isn't free to run and money needs to be generated...seems like there are enough people that would kick down a few bucks each year to keep this thing going....then we could get rid of ads by google. complain complain. shut up. you. FU. OK.

  4. Hey PoG,

    I already have this..but the dvd was authored with shitty camera audio and even worse, it was encoded with AC3 compression. So I bought the SBD from disclogic.com, ripped the video and reauthored the dvd's with sbd PCM WAV uncompressed audio...mucho better. Unfortunately, since the original dvd was authored with compressed audio, using uncompressed audio made my remastered dvd over 5 gigs/disc, so I had no choice but to author it on dual layer dvds. I simply did not want to re-render the video....since it was already in mpeg2.


  5. Holy mother of FAULK! Just got home from basking in the hot Calgary sun all day...I got one hell of burn going on here! Im gettin' redder as the night wears on...2 thumbs up to beautiful SUMMER-like weather and 2 thumbs down to holes in the Layer. Shouldn't have had that triple burger either...ahhhhh over-doing it triumphs again!

  6. Currently hoping to find some sort of camping espresso dodad.

    Howler, not really an espresso dodad but for camping you can't go wrong with the mini "unbreakable" beaker by Bodum. Unfortunately mine actually cracked...BUT, a mini rock-solid Bodum to have at camp is sweet! They're light and they make a wicked cup of joe...I actually only make coffee in the good ole french press..no scalding plastic coffee for this lad!

  7. We have had the best spring in Calgary this year! Not to brag, but we don't normally even get a spring..two seasons are usually at work here: winter and summer. I've been wearing the birks for the entire month of April and can't believe our luck (so far) with the beautiful weather.

    We are realists though..about six of us have picked days in may where we think the big snow dump will happen. winner will recieve a 4-pack of guinness from each other participant ;)

  8. Who else considers this to be one of the great daily routines? I drink 1-2 cups in the morning and thats about it. I don't need it to get by on but damn do I ever enjoy it! Does the goodness that is coffee grace your table in the morning or is there something else that you just enjoy too much before you can suitably bust out into the wolrd for the day?? Of course, cigarettes and coffee in the moring used to be a favourite but one part of that combo has failed to exist for me :)

  9. 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

    2. Neo-Pagan (99%)

    3. Liberal Quakers (85%)

    4. Mahayana Buddhism (82%)

    5. Hinduism (80%)

    6. New Age (75%)

    7. Reform Judaism (72%)

    8. Secular Humanism (71%)

    9. Sikhism (69%)

    10. Theravada Buddhism (69%)

    11. Jainism (68%)

    12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (60%)

    13. Taoism (59%)

    14. Bah�'� Faith (56%)

    15. Scientology (56%)

    16. New Thought (54%)

    17. Orthodox Quaker (45%)

    18. Orthodox Judaism (43%)

    19. Nontheist (42%)

    20. Islam (41%)

    21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (39%)

    22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (26%)

    23. Seventh Day Adventist (21%)

    24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (19%)

    25. Eastern Orthodox (17%)

    26. Roman Catholic (17%)

    27. Jehovah's Witness (13%)

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