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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. I managed to find Puff the Magic Dragon on the interenet and downloaded it. I don't really remember puff that much from my childhood. i think we watched some slide+tape versions of it in school a few times, but that's it. I don't even know if there's more than one episode or not. This is the one where johnny drapers gets turned into johnny papers.

    Was wondering if anyone would like a copy? it's just an avi, no dvd or anything like that.

    i've got some other way cool shit too for the ladies out there, but I have to keep it a secret till I give it to who I want to give it to and watch her squeal and hopefully pee a little.

  2. here's one i forgot to mention above.

    i live in my great aunt and uncle's house. my great uncle kenny died in this house in 1999. he died in his sleep, in what is now my bedroom.

    ever since i moved in here i've been having the most ridiculously vivid dreams. i can wake up from them, and go back to them, i can have em for 4 hours....i can go back and dream something inbetween snooze button presses...which are every 9 minutes.

    a couple days ago, i think it was wednesday or thursday last week i couldn't sleep. at all, which was weird for me. i had some shit weighing on my mind and was up pretty late. i was kind of in and out of sleep and remember waking up (and really being awake) and seeing a transparent version of my uncle kenny in his pyjama's trying to get into bed but not being able to do so because my bed is so tall. i dont' know what happened, but then he was gone and i rolled over and went back to sleep.

  3. and you weren't even getting paid. rock on.

    today, i met up with my first political dude walking the streets ever! no one's come to my door, or sent me a pamplet...only one person on my street has a sign...and i think they went and got it themselves.

    so this dude goes into the deli where i'm getting my lunch

    "hi, i'm canvassing for david christopherson..the incumbant in your riding"

    counter chick "the owner isn't here right now, you can leave whatever you like and i'll pass it along"

    dude "ok, here you go"

    i was really...REALLY surprised he didn't try to talk to the staff there or the 6 or 7 customers milling about...take the oppurtunity to let them ask questions or offer to answer them...just left. no fight at all. so sad. i really wanted people to argue or something while i was waiting.

  4. ok...i know, the wording left me open, but i changed it from something that left me way MORE open....and do to the nature of what happened, and who it was with, and what it meant to me, i'll give you, my joking little buddy, one serious FUCK YOU.

    and yes, i know that sounds dirty...but it wasn't...perv

  5. i hate this new format. while i don't want to see these guys arguing like they're on springer...i don't want this either. they should be able to respond to one another, to ask questions of one another.

    and why are these questions, questions i would NEVER ask anyways? how do you submit q's to this thing...i've got a couple i would love to ask that depending on the answers would change my vote.

  6. actually i do believe the most pertinent thread is when he actually came out, which can be found here

    and yes, this is probably something we should lay off of, it is probably in poor taste...but cully really likes the attention, it makes him so happy!

  7. well it's nice to hear a new voice wade in on the topic...but i have to say i disagree with you.

    i don't think that if harper wins our military will go to iraq...what's the point, it's in the phase of removal of soldiers, not insertion.

    i also don't think quebec will seperate under a conservative government. to be completely honest, i dont' think they'll be allowed to. and if they did, i don't think alberta would become a state, it would more likely be either quebec, because they'd need currency, and if not quebec, the maritime provinces are much more likely in time to become a state or states because of the big new country between them and the rest of canada.

    why do you think it would be alberta leaving the fold? because conservatisms roots are there? oil? i really have never heard that idea put forward.

    i read a book a few years ago on this subject...i'll have to look up the title, that was actually pretty interesting. it predicted an entirely different North America within the next 50-100 years, with the US, part of mexico and parts of canada becoming 8 or 9 different countries, each country forming for different cultural and environmental purposes and similar resources. of course the reasoning behind this is an entirely different political landscape and world market/purpose.

  8. you'll have better luck getting thet $$$ from del, i'll take it off the back dog-support he owes me.

    and if you didn't leave em all rolled up looking so boney-licious, darius wouldn't be tempted to eat them in the first place!

  9. [quote name=Schwa"you should bring your crew down for slammin jack next weekend and warm up for the fundraiser "

    First' date=' if i did have a crew, i'd be a gangster. Second, Cully's gay.

    cully's not allowed to come, your tush will be safe

  10. those 2 books are the best $5 i've ever spent....EVER...and i can say that without having read one yet.

    and jeah...if there were ever quotes that i wrote down somewhere for myself, they'd be pulled from this book. the whole (i'm grabbing my copy to make sure i get this right) second hand self respect thing really rang true to me, it was like being at the eye doctors and all of a sudden the fuzzy image gets clear...second handers...hahaha...so friggen true.

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