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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. yeah like i said...you've got to get past the preachy preachy jesus is the only way to salvation bits.

    i saw the first 45 minutes of the 1st DVD before my tv crapped out and i had to use one that doesn't have the cable hook ups for a DVD player.

    and let's just say...cheese. it wasn't done well at ALL. they used crappy film, like the kind most cheap canadian and british TV is produced with were it's all grey and grainy. and i'm surprised they blew up the amount of shit that they did. kirk cameron was the only good acting in the WHOLE movie. they took for granted the viewer had read the books cause nothing was really explained.

    and lahaye probably disowned the movies because they play down the god is miraculous and doing all these crazy things angle (which is kind of the whole point of the books), and left it like it was just strange inexplicable occurances.

  2. I DO I DO!! the spree give me glee!

    and that's the kind of rhyme a spree fan would say... i know

    a friend of mine saw anathallo in NY state awhile ago and told me they were awesome. too bad i'm booked for both those local dates this weekend.

  3. if people can deal with jesusy type things i'd recommend the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins. it's all about when jesus comes back and takes the believers leaving non believers here on earth for 7 years before he comes back for the last time, meanwhile, in those 7 years you've got satan or something to deal with and all these crazy things that are foretold in the bible.

    it's 12 books long...they even made a couple cheezy movies staring kirk cameron. they're a good read if you can deal with the preachy preachy getting saved stuff.

  4. well...for paris...some people look hideous in many lights, and most people, no matter what they look like, have one good look, one good way to hold their heads, and stand and look off or whatever, paris had found it and been workin it for years. that's all there is to it.

    and as for heather locklear, i heard she eats placentas and afterbirth for that au naturel youthful look

  5. wow so many interesting things to put on my reading list.

    i talked to cully about the book he's reading and the big controversy, and he said the jail bit is a total of maybe 5 pages out of the whole book. all people embellish a little, i really don't see what the big deal is, if it was stocked under biographies, move it to fiction. The point of the book is to help addicts and family members of addicts and that can still be done within the content of the book.

    Right now I'm reading something light and easy. clive cussler's lost city. james bondish type action but all under water and in planes...oooooo. after reading the fountainhead and before that the complete works of jane austen (talk about draggin around a freakin tome....1500 pages!) i needed something easy. next up, atlas shrugged by ayn rand.

    edit to add: hey PP, i've been wanting to read that motley crue thing forever....in there somewhere, does ozzy snort a line of ants?

  6. i think it's funny that my crazy jesus freak born again christian mum ISN'T voting conservative. hahaha.

    so what does everyone think of the new round of TV spots?

    I really really really like the new one with martin speaking candidly abd canadian values, mistakes and blah blah. very very very good.

    i also like the ndp ads that say "hey voted lib before? can't now? don't want to support the con agenda? vote ndp" also good, but martin's better.

    the new cons ad...meh...average.

  7. ok so i've NEVER willingly watched any idol show. i've seen it, cause others were watching it, but never have i sat down and turned it on.

    so tonight, seeing as i have 2 channels, it was that or some crappy detective show that i'd never heard of. so i watched the 2nd hour. more like, downloaded good tv and did some writing while it was on in the background.

    but that crazy dave guy....hilarious. i can now see why people watch these first try out type episodes. the attitude of these people is funny. the glimpse at general, everyday america (through the eyes of the idol producers) is EXTREMELY interesting.

  8. dr j is totally right...the bureaucracy of education costs millions and doesn't do nearly what it's worth on paper. and that's sad

    i think the coke thing was 1 or 2 million. at least one.

    and well, i'll have to disagree with for the first time birdy. corporate america, canada, earth, don't give back nearly what they take. not at all. i don't think that we should shut up, take the 1 or 2M and be happy. we in north america may not pay the price, but the earth, and humanity in general certainly does. corporations will be the downfall of society as we know it. whether in the long run that's a good thing or bad thing, it'll happen. yes without them we wouldn't have medical strides and new technology and lots of other good things they give us...well maybe it all balances out...who knows. but they don't inherently have the best interests of anything or anyone in mind.

    my head hurts.

  9. i would think that the funding would be proportionate and down the line where students are enrolled. that's why some programs cost more in tuition right? theoreticly anyways.

    that being said, if mac want to push itself in the health and science area and the other two mentioned above...that shit costs lots of money. that shit creates press and buzz for the university too. research is one of the things that gets grants and makes mac the world reknowned university it is, which is part of the reason you went there to begin with. it's all kind of cyclical.

    i can see the conspiracy theory angle completely, and would venture to say it probably has at least a small amount of baring on the situation.

    i definitely think that if mac is running itself on a business model, then you, the student, aka the consumer do have a voice. but what you have to say has to be sound business and acedemic wise. if you can prove that the humanities, and even the specific dept you're talking about have a baring on what they're trying to put forward then you're in business and maybe they'll reconsider. if you can't, well, life isn't a popularity contest sometimes.

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