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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i agree with you marco, on a lot of things. and i think, without the scandal, there would be no election right now. isn't that what brought down the house?

    please people...if you have NO CLUE, about anything, don't vote for or against a party on one thing or another. if you can't take the time to look into things, go and refuse your vote on jan 23. tell the government that you don't care enough, or they don't stimulate you enough to actually care. only vote if you know what you're voting for.

  2. ......if i wasn't so caffeine and nicotine deprived right now i'd think of a witty comparison that says what i really mean....but i'm not a poet. i'm a novelist, and it takes me pages to get my point across. you people are lucky i trim it down.

    it's not that roark is real...it's that the ideal and ideas he presents for the author in the book are valid ones and ones that ring true to me. it's like having a 6th toe...and hiding it, never wearing sandals...and one day finding someone else who has a 6th toe...you don't feel like such a freak anymore.

  3. because i have nothing better to do, i'll nit pick.

    i don't think the quotes are needed as that's his name, if it were a nick name or something they might be needed, but even though you're quoting, because it's the name, the only name...i guess besides davID lauzon (but who really says that) i don't think the quotes are needed....

    now....in 12.5 seconds, we can get a confirm from brad

  4. drawk....you always surprise me by coming out of left field with stuff (that's a good thing)...and for someone i used to think twice about for using my dog's nickname as a screenname i've come to really like what you say and have regard for your opinion.

    this is why it surprises me so MUCH that you buy into what they want you to believe! you are a second hander, keeping the creator down! man, this is a sad sad day. you sir...i believe are a real life toohey! hehehe thanks for finding those links for me! i'm such a lazy internet searcher

  5. i think you need to read ayn rand's the fountainhead djedy...it will help you centre and focus your hatred of the general public and humanity at large into something positive that doesn't frustrate you so much.

    and i can't believe we're still talking phish rumours. the ONLY..and i mean ONLY good thing about them ending it was that i wouldn't have to deal with these nothing but bullshit rumours anymore!

  6. hahahahahaha i didn't mean political allignment on par...i meant the quality of the writing is on par in my opinion.

    i miss the toronto free dailies. i wish mayday was out more than once a month. you should into me to these friends sometime. i'd love to help out in some way.

    and i don't think that the sun is a full out right wing rag. i think they're a bitch fest rag and will bitch about whoever's in power, and what they're doing wrond and blah blah. it's just that the libs have been in power so long that that's all they've had to bitch about. i remember them being all anti harris when he was around.

    i'd love to read the idea's section you speak of. i'll read the paper, just won't pay for it. if that idea section is anything like TO's ideacity conference i'd love it.

  7. why do you wish i had an avatar marco? i've been avatarless and tag lineless forever....in fact i'm an avatargin....i'm waiting for marriage

    and i do get away with murder here. i've taken up a silent protest actually. my boss smells SOOOOOO bad and i sit in this oh....10x14 office with him all day that i've taken to letting out some SBD's to counteract the rank odour eminating from him.

    but alas, as of feb 3, this is all over and i will have a job to go to where i actually have to work all day. it's going to be a rough adjustment.

  8. i used to work for the spec, many moons ago, and i never really felt that right leaning, however, i wasn't as involved politically at that time.

    i just don't buy it because i don't want even a penny of my money going to torstar, and as for content, i'd rather read the sun, it's on par and in an easier to read format.

    have you ever picked up the free paper mayday here in hamilton paisley? i'm diggin it. i like it a lot better than view and now actually.

  9. whoa whoa whoa.....i stop reading the politico shit for 2 days!

    first...i don't think that one can ever drink too much of ayn rands koolaid drawk. fuckin let that shit run through my veins. i wish i could find roarks court defense/arguement online so i don't have to type out 8 pages of stuff for all you kids to read. i haven't read such relevant words in SUCH a long time.

    and i don't think you can blame the whole "anyone but the liberals and their scandal" vote for a conservative win here. there are 2, perhaps 3 other choices for people depending on where they live. if people lean left, why not go to the ndp? why hop over the fence and support ideals they don't agree with? maybe, and it might be hard for some people to believe this, but just maybe, people think that the cons have their shit together, or at least more so than the other options. maybe canadians really do want the cons in based on their ideals and what they've presented to the public. running and hiding from the problem till it goes away is a pathetic response in my opinion. if you love canada and believe in it, your reaction should be to stay and fight and change things so the next time around the cons don't win.

    and what i think is REALLY sad, is that the university kids polled on the news last night knew the US leaders, but not the canadian ones. some knew the party they lead, some didn't, most didn't know names, but then again, that's just the clips they showed, that could be scewed, the didn't get %'s of total kids polled and what they knew. silly news people skewing things.

    and it actually surprised me to see that spec article. i don't buy the spec, it's a torstar publication, but seeing anti lib stuff in a torstar publication really did surprise me. i can't believe they got away with it. again, another example of people being fed crap and taking it in like it's reality. the guy WAS in real estate, those people DO know how to flip homes...TONS of people flip homes. you see those late night "how to be a millionaire" infomercials? those people flip real estate and creat rental properties...it's a lucrative market. the guy did it by the books, but OOOOHHHH NO! a politician made money! oooooga booga! something must be wrong! the ironic part of it all is that the libs are so anti rich people and valeri kinda got caught by hs own principles there. ahhhh!! go read the fountainhead.

  10. if the guy had signed a DNR i do think that they'd have to abide by it.

    if he hadn't signed a DNR i don't think they could choose to not save him, because what if he would've been given a stay of execution? or done something in court to get off of death row? then he'd be dead cause someone said "well jeb, we'rea gunna killem in 2 months enywayz, let em be"

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