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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i'm trying to find a movie i saw on discovery channel or a channel like tht a few weeks ago called celestial voyage. it was fucking amazing. it looked at time, the smallest thing in the world, a quark, and how far into the universe we can see, i'm totally not doing it justice. it's narrated by not lawrence fishbourne, not samuel l jackson, but that other older black guy....the guy in i think seven...anyways....i'm trying to find that, and if you come across it, i STRONGLY suggest you watch it. take some psychadelic drugs first perhaps, if they're at hand.

  2. good job shain. your act was by far the best of the night. the MC, not to be confused with emcee was cool too. that crowd totally blew me away, the size, and the make up of it. definitely an entertaining night.

    and umm....it might be a good idea to check those ID's a little closer whitey! i smelled some under age girls in the hizouse!

    p.s. HOLY FACK margaret! that avatar is the best one i've EVER seen, EVER!!!

  3. not to pick...but i don't associate being muslim with having tanks roll through streets.

    i was replying to birdy who said she ws trying to learn the history of the middle east...i was simply commenting on an area that's seen a lot of strife, strife that we, generation now, just can't understand.

    i equate muslims with other prejudicial, stereotypical things, but not tanks (see my first post)

  4. i think he's FLIPPIN hilarious.

    sometimes it's annoying silly banter and i flip to some musac...but in general, i like him. that was the first radio station i turned on in the morning in my car, and if i did flip it, i'd check back in.

    now i download the sirius show through bit torrent an listen to bits...i can't dedicate hours of my evening to listening to it

  5. i've come to the realization that without living there, it's really hard to understand the situation. we don't know what it's like to have tanks rolling through our streets and seeing men with guns on a daily basis. people telling us when to be home, etc etc.

    i've also come to the realization that it's really hard to get an unbiased look at the situation. you either get a western person telling you what's going on, when, they have a 2nd or third hand account of it, or a biased native story, when you're locked up for 2 or 3 years, or more, seeing people killed for doing what we do here, voice our opinion on a political situation, you can't help but be biased. Even when you live there, you're looking at a middle eastern problem and culture through the perspective of western eyes. the more i know about this the sadder i am, and the more i realize that we can't solve their problems.

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