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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. when you're a business person, your principles are to make money. to run your business with the biggest bottom line you can. no one's selling out their principles to avoid higher taxes. you sell out on your principles little by little as you rise to the top and don't even notice. you compartmentalize and tell yourself, this is just a job, not who i am and blah blah blah. once you're there at the top and making those kind of decisions, your principles are already gone. that's why i got out.

    that's the problem with business itself. business looks out for business, not those that make it work like the labourers, the consumers and the community...got a better plan on how to run the world? let's hear it.

  2. i woner what kind of target they use....if it's a traditional bulleye...maybe a goat, or a lovely lady showing some ankle.

    i guess world youth day celebrations are about half the size...but factor in the youthy rambunctiousness and it's gotta be about equal...and how many deaths are there at those?

    thanks for posting this deeps. some fodder for the religious discussions with mohammed today at work. i'm still waiting on an answer about why he can't touch my dog without having to cleanse again before prayer, now i can try and get an answer to this too.

  3. i don't know if it's been mentioned but these new liberal ads are fucking outrageous.

    all of them, but especially the harper is gw's best friend. we've already been warned by the american ambasador not to involve US politics in the election here. and i think that they were right to do that.

    the libs better PRAY they don't get elected cause they're fuckin souring any relationship they have now.

    those ads are pathetic.

  4. i'm not sayin there should be NO taxes, we have to have em to function as a society, BUT, corporate and business taxes should be competitive with a world market if we want to attract or retain international business.

    if i own a company that has the oppurtunity to operate in another country, i'll choose the country with the lowest taxation rate. that's a smart business decision. however, if years later, i want to run the country, it MIGHT be a nice PR move to pay the difference in the taxes between what i would have paid and what i did pay. and if the amount was really big, maybe i wouldn't run at all if it was going to be a big, huge, deciding factor kind of issue, which, in reality, it isn't.

  5. well to be fair, he didn't pay ALL his taxes overseas...but he did pay some. and what he did pay overseas was in reality a wise business decision. and i don't hold wise business decisions against anyone. but when you want to run the country, doing a run around on the taxes doesn't look good. when you lead, you should lead by example.

    then again,...if our taxes weren't so high, we wouldn't have companies having to operate under another flag, paying taxes somewhere else.

  6. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration – Art Hanger

    “Immigrants are choking welfare systems, contributing to high unemployment, and many cannot read.â€

    - Conservative MP Art Hanger

    BTW, as long as we're talking about immigrants, not refugees, that's all true. we tell engineers to come here, nurses, teachers, come, we need you! we have huge vacancies!

    and they pay their fees, they do their paperwork, and they come here. then they get told that their foreign language degree isn't acceptable here, and they'll have to pay 1000's of dollars more in re educationg themselves on things they already know to be hired here. which takes months or years. what do they do in the mean time? drive cabs, deliver pizzas and take the night cashier slots at the local conveniece store or gas station. they either don't have jobs, and go on welfare to get their education for free (the ones who know people here and know the system do that) and contribute to the unemployment rate that way, or they take 2 or 3 menial part time or full time jobs so they can support their wife and kids in any way that's close to the standard of living they once had and take a few jobs away from others, contriubting to the unemployment rate THAT way.

    and OF COURSE they can't read...they can't really speak english let alone read it, but when they get here they take classes and learn and imporve. some do more, some do less. it all depends on where they land in the system.

    that statement is true, and sad, and i think that's how it was meant. not as immigrants are bad. but as the process that's here for them when they come is bad, and needs to be fixed. engineers scrubbing toilets is sad.

  7. i can kinds see why these guys are on trial, i don't know why they felt the need to leak the document, and i don't see why it's a bad thing for a country at war with another to want to try to stop whatever means are being used to spread proaganda and spread the hate towards who they're at war with.

    do you think if the government of iraq (how do you spell iraqy?) or al quaida or whoever the fuck they were fighting had the capabilities of of destryong CNN or Fox news, or MSNBC they wouldn't? this is war...not tea time with bushy

    all conspiracy theories aside, a bunch of al quaida came and flew planes into the pentagon and the world trade centers...a targeted attack. television and media are vehicles to spread messages and breed ideas. do you think that maybe, al jazeera had a tiny bit of responsibility in feeding the anti western, anti american hatred? can you see why americans, in war, might want that to be stopped? when westerners are kidnapped, where do the tapes go? when bin laden wants to do a press conference from his cave, where do the tapes go? al jazeera, it's a voice for the people that the americans are fighting. i can see why they would want it to be shut down. do i think civilians should die in that? no. covert op that shit and shut 'er down.

    edit to add: do i personally think it's a good idea to shut own al jazeera? not really, i think it would cause more harm than good to the people. but i can see why bush wanted to do it.

  8. just a simple question.

    do u think people who support/are voting conservative are embarrased to admit it?


    Well, on Hamilton Mountain, i've seen THREE (yes, only 3) blue signs, by far (at least triple the next) i see support for Chris Charlton (NDP), second is lib.

    But the polls for our area show Blue in the lead by almost 15%, then Lib, then NDP.

    Exactly opposite of what it seems to be, according to signs. So, are the people voting blue scared to show any support?

    embarassed? no, scared? yes. i don't judge others on their political beliefs, i can compartmentalize, but i know a lot of other people can't.

    with the way the cons are viewed as the devil, if you support them, you either believe in the devil or are one of his minions

  9. ok...in all honesty, the liberals could have gotten my vote. i don't agree with any party entirely. the NDP could have kept my vote if they dropped fucking national daycare from their platform. the liberals could have taken my vote if even one of them (particularly the one in my riding) said "hey, the sponsorship scandal happened, this is how it happened, this is how it's being dealt with, so that it won't happen again" instead of what i heard which was "i didn't do it! let's move on"

    there are things i don't like about the conservatives, particularly how they SEEM like they MIGHT mix religion with politics. but i don't know if they will or not. in my eyes, church and state are seperate, if i wanted to live in a country that was run on religious ideals, i'd move. i'm also counting on the opposition to keep them from doing that. And who am I to say that because a person has religious beliefs of any kind they shouldn't hold an elected position? if i believed that they shouldn't, then no muslim should be allowed to run, or heaven forbid win...they'll twist our laws with hatred for women and blah blah blah...it's BS. HOPEFULLY (and i KNOW this isn't the case with all christians, no matter what sect) they'll "walk with christ in their hearts" and do as he would do.

    i don't think the conservatives have it right, but i agree with most of the things they stand for and say they'll do, and the thigns i don't agree with, i don't think the political climate in canada, or the opposition will allow.

    edited for: clarity

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