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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. how about health care? how about the criminal justice system? i'd love to see the YOA rebuilt into something that works. how about higher education? how about immigration?

    our country is good and works on a basic level, perhaps higher than that, but things can certainly run better and more smoothly. nothing is perfect, there is always room for improvement.

  2. ok i'm not going to say it, not going to say it, not going to say it...

    on other topics...the world isn't going to explode, no horns came out in the acceptance speech...stop your bitching and moaning and wait and see what the guy actually does. jeeeeeeeeeeez.

  3. He supports free votes, so - while he squirms on his views a backbencher can introduce a private members bill (which he has no power/control over) that will be up for a free vote, so it could very well happen.

    How fucking hard is it to say "I believe in a woman's right to choose"?

    ok seriuosly, ya can't have it both ways. either harper is the devil and anything he personally feels will be introduced and everyone will do as he wishes and the country will go to hell in his handbasket


    one of his cronies will do his dirty work for him and it's a free vote and members can decide what they want.

    oh yes, let's add this into the mix....because they're evil conservatives they won't EVER think of listening to their consituents, they'll just do as they please and praise jesus the lord will have came.

    my god i almost think the libs should want all this to happen, because then when an election is called, and people march in the streets, the party will ceast to exist or hold as much political water as the communist party does.

    edit to add: the party i mention in that last paragraph beng the cons.

  4. the whole abortion thing is a big issue with me and supporting the cons if i choose to. i don't want things changed from where they stand right now.

    hearing the words "near future" is not a good thing in my eyes, please define near future.

    but down the line he says "i don't need to define it because we're not going there" i completely see his point. and if he ISN'T going to go there, there really is no point in going into it. it's a moot issue.

    thanks for posting this huxy. this was something that i've been concerned about and now i don't feel that concerned anymore.

  5. I heard last night on etalk daily that Canadian Idol try outs are stopping in the kdub!! wooooo and they've upped the age cap to 28! wooooo and the try outs are on weekends so everyone can make it! woooo!

    so who's gunna try out? i bet some of y'all could get on tv

  6. i don't like the new direction the album has taken them. i don't like their sound as much without the trumpet player, i think that space needs to be filled.

    i LOVE the band, i LOVE the sound, i LOVE seeing them live, the vibe, it's all great. but the more recent shows i've been seeing seem to have less of that crazy super high oh my god i just can't take it anymore energy. they seem a bit more mellowed out...which is fine, but isn't what i go to see from that band.

    edit to add: maybe i just got too used to and attached to the old album....i did listen to it for months on end everyday when i walked darius

  7. djedy, if you had a drop of happiness in your soul, and an ounce of rhythm trying to escape your body through your hips or booty....even you're feet...you would like something that didn't sound like it needed to be shot and put out of it's misery.

    cheer up my friend. and mr ss, while seeming to lose their way slightly are still presently capable of mighty fun things.

    edit to add: i'm going to make you your very own googly eyed monster so that you can magicly tranform into mr smiley pants

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