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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. I remember my first favourite song ever being "The Unicorn" as performed by the (then still) Irish Rovers. I was 3 or 4, I think. One of my first favourite "pop" songs (though I can't swear it was first) was "It's Still Rock 'n' Roll to Me" by Billy Joel. I loved that Glass Houses album.
  2. I'm shocked nobody wants these tickets. I mean--c'mon people!--it's a Toronto hockey team IN THE PLAYOFFS!!
  3. This is a hot ticket, folks. Game 7. Woohoo! Go Marlies! Seriously, if anyone is interested, I have 4 tickets to give away to the first jaded and disgruntled Leafs fan to PM me.
  4. Good luck to you both on your new adventure. You will be missed!
  5. Metallica w/The Cult (And Justice for All Tour), Winnipeg arena..I think I was 16.
  6. Here's hoping nobody spills the Squirrelman's booze on his bday! Happy birthday, Punk!
  7. Patchoulia


    B&P anyone? *sniff* *sniff* I'm having a moment.
  8. Patchoulia


    Hal: I've decided, it's offical, I'm getting rid of mine. If you're in the market for a few more, let me know!
  9. Patchoulia


    Sometimes I go through them and marvel at the ingenuity of the decorations..homemade pretty tapcases..Wintaper-produced tape cases. And pre-Wintaper. Damn I'm old.
  10. Patchoulia


    So I shouldn't melt them down and create a new water bottle out of them??
  11. Yay! I love tiny scores of the day.
  12. Patchoulia


    Do you still have yours? I have boxes upon boxes and milk crates and suitcases FULL of Dead shows on tape. A few years ago, I did an informal poll as to whether there was any point in keeping these. Consensus was: Keep 'em. I didn't see the point, but I adhered to the response, likely being influenced by a healthy dose of nostalgia. Now? Aren't they just taking up space?
  13. I agree. Though the use of "poo" wasn't necessarily why I was laughing so whole-heartedly. Oh, who's kidding who..it was all about the poo... No it wasn't. It was and is a damn funny show. Poo be damned.
  14. Hey, Basher, I thought you were getting your car fixed?!
  15. Looks like I've got about $75 more dollars to go to reach my $500 goal..slowly but surely!
  16. Widespread Panic Live in Chicago 4/12/08 – 93 WXRT Simulcast If you can’t make it to the show on Saturday, tune in and listen the Sold Out show Live! http://www.93xrt.com/wxrt-chicago-concerts-in-town/1553377 Also, JB will be singing the National Anthem at Chicago White Sox Game earlier that day. The game will take place on April 12th against the Detroit Tigers at 12:05 pm CST
  17. Amy--I will be pledging you! Good job! Just sending out another appeal...Basher really needs some sponsors...I'm about $150 away from my goal, which I can probably end up begging from my co-workers...but Brian hasn't received any pledges yet, so any amount would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
  18. This was all we could get from LN (pretty useless..we knew this already..): "They have heard word of a potential tour, but nothing has been discussed in detail. They will keep me posted."
  19. Are you hitting up your co-workers? That sucks.
  20. Anyone who'd like to support either Basher or me in the MS Walk, we're still gratefully accepting donations!! Thanks!!
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