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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Anyone that's ever worked in an office knows: this movie is fucking genius. *Yes, this is in my list of non-funny, non-helpful threads I'm starting today or this week..thanks Hux...thanks StoneMtn....
  2. Taut and snappy!! bahahahahhaahahhahahahaha!
  3. Good point. I'm starting at least 5 more useless, unamusing, unhelpful threads today, inspired by StoneMtn. Thanks for the tip, Hux! And the support, StoneMtn!
  4. I would, but I don't have anything helpful or funny to say.
  5. I have a quote board outside my cubicle. Eminently quotable, unselfconscious remarks/conversations go up and I add my personal commentary. It's extremely popular. Anyway, I just overheard the quote of the year. Unfortunately, I cannot post it on the quote board (for fear of further alienating my HR department), but I simply must share with all of you. Two women walking by, in the midst of a conversation. Just as they pass by our area, we hear: "I just found out that you can't Botox your privates--obviously--but..." And thank christ that was all I heard..that "but" frightens me to my very core...
  6. Winter doesn't bother me..I mean, I hate the cold, but whatever, it *is* Canada...what bothers me is how the freaks in this city behave when it snows. Which is why I say "be careful"--gotta watch out for all the douchebags who behave (drive, walk) as if they don't know what snow & ice means...
  7. I can see it now...Mr Dinghy, enjoying a slice, informing all potential passengers, between bites, "Sorry *munch* *munch* this bus ain't goin' nowhere...horrible accident...pass me a cold one from that snowbank, will ya?"
  8. You bastard. Remember what I said to you yesterday? You are in sooo much trouble..
  9. Is this any indication that you will be seeing them tomorrow? An indication, yes.
  10. Good to see your concern for Jebus. I wonder if he uses snow tires :confused: Jebus' date=' be careful out there. <--indicates concern for Jebus. Jebus. Be careful out there. <----indicates outrage and concern for all. Schwa, snow tire [u']this! <---indicates universal disdain and contempt for the Schwabster.
  11. To me, it makes perfect sense: If you don't enjoy the songs a band will be performing, why would you enjoy the performance, no matter how well they're played? I mean, I suppose it's conceivable, but unlikely.
  12. We were driving this morning and saw so much rampant asshattery...2 ridiculous women actually walked right in front of our moving vehicle--if it weren't for snow tires, they would have been smooshed!
  13. Be careful, Jay!! I'm not so worried about your driving, it's everyone else's...
  14. I really just wanna frolic in the flurries! Oh well. At least the dearth of employees means I can play music as loudly and annoyingly as I want. I am currently streaming the Slowcoaster show from Maverick's last year (Good job, BradM!)
  15. Yeah, I did...my boss is in Halifax today and needs me to do a bunch of stuff at the office (that I couldn't do from home). I would say about 5% of people are here at the moment...
  16. This morning I realized I'd have to find a new radio station to which to wake up...the song that prodded me from slumber was some atrocity that goes, "Don't you wish your girlfriend was HOT LIKE ME..."
  17. I can't believe you didn't mention the monster truck.
  18. This guy was a great fucking actor. His death upset me way more than it should have for someone I never met. Whatever. I'm sad. I also think Best Buy should be boycotted simply because this particular Best Buy decided, within hours of his death, to capitalize, in the most tasteless, tacky way..
  19. Man saved from croc shot in error By Phil Mercer BBC News, Sydney A man has been accidentally shot by a rescuer who was trying to free him from the jaws of a crocodile in northern Australia. The victim, in his late 20s, was attacked by the reptile near a popular tourist spot on the Mary River south-east of Darwin. He was flown to hospital by helicopter for emergency surgery for bite and bullet wounds. He is currently in a stable condition in hospital. Crocodile attacks and shootings are rare in Australia. To suffer both at once is - to say the least - unfortunate. Jason Grant was collecting crocodile eggs at a remote reptile farm when he found himself locked inside a giant set of jaws. For a few terrifying moments the animal wildly shook its victim before the intervention of a fellow worker. He fired two shots at the saltwater crocodile. One hit the target, while the other struck the arm of his stricken colleague. It was enough though to bring the drama to an end. The injured man was flown to hospital in Darwin, where he is recovering.
  20. hehehe They said buttocks. More than once. Fart! Doody! Where am I? Who am I?
  21. I hate to admit it..I mean, I really hate to admit it..but there was a period when "The Sport of Kings" was my favourite cassette. 1987 was a really unfortunate year in Dryden, Ontario.
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