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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Every time we drive by an IKEA, I say, "Ooooh! There's the IKEA!!" (post purposely not helpful or funny or even remotely interesting)
  2. But can he leave the sheep w/the bike unattended...it's not a truck..hmm..perplexing...
  3. Even if I'm just running into a store or something?! I mean, the sheep is watching the car...
  4. Thank god I work at a gigantic disorganized company...they'll never get around to that..*fingers crossed*...
  5. Wait..Schwa is not coming to Ottawa for nero??! Cancel my ticket...
  6. Basher says: It'll be much cheaper from Buffalo or Detroit (which is closer for you)..go to: farechase.yahoo.com and do a search Independently also check: Southwest.com for flights from Buffalo and airtran.com for flights from both Detroit and Buffalo.
  7. Basher will be back later..I think he's at the dentist..he's got a bunch of tips..they don't call him pricebasher for nothin'.. Well, I guess he calls himself that...But there's good reason!
  8. I can show you how to turn on a pussy. I can't see in the light or the dark so I don't give a rat's ass about the lights. Helpful: 0/10 Funny: 2/10 Overall grade: [color:red]F Wait a sec..don't you think bokonon will *welcome* a grade of "F"..all things considered?
  9. Happy birthday!! Hope to see you sometime soon!
  10. *sniff* *sniff* I can't read! And I'll thank you to stop drawing attention to it..insensitive, unfunny and unhelpful prick..
  11. Is that like the evil version of Santana referenced in the post topic? Also, why only one truck?
  12. in the old two car garage? I wondered what that smell was...
  13. I'd like to protest..this thread, unlike advertised, was both very funny AND highly informative... Please: If you say you're posting an unfunny thread containing no useful information, try to stick as closely as possible to your game plan. Some people don't want to chuckle, nor do they want to be informed. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
  14. Purple font is only necessary when a comment isn't so obviously absurd' date=' that it had to be sarcastic, because there is no other explanation. Does that help? (I want to be helpful.) [/quote'] B- Could be funnier.
  15. My money's on sub-basement...with back-door entrance...
  16. Then what's the point of coming here anymore?
  17. I loooove pad thai. First time I had it was 1994 @ the Rivoli. At the time, I thought that was good thai..LOL..stilly (silly + stupid = stilly..stulpid? stulpidly?) Julia...
  18. My favourite door sign in Toronto says: THIS DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS I like a door that's in touch with its bicuriosity.
  19. Jack: (looking at Dennis' plate) I didn’t know they served chicken nuggets at this restaurant. Liz: It’s cod. It’s, uh, they made it special. Dennis has some dietary restrictions.
  20. Do you think Corey's garage-sign is a two-car-garage?
  21. This thread is neither helpful or funny. Please reconsider and revise your post. Thank you. Sincerely, The Jambands.ca Forum Community
  22. agreed. this one is easy. try reading street parking signs in hamilton. No parking this side Each month 1st to 15th April to December ... i need a venn diagram to know where to park in this city ... Voted Best Useage of the Phrase "Venn Diagram" in '08
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