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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. If it had been under 30 days, it would have been considered DOA and I could have had it replaced, no problem. As it is, it was about 5 weeks, so my boss just told me to go ahead and order a new one so I didn't have to wait to see if I could get the old one repaired. Hence this thread.
  2. Cuz if I did that, I'd have to pay for it. As it is, the company paid for it.
  3. Jays game tomorrow night. Other than that: Who the fuck knows?
  4. Great idea for a tombstone..not sure about his choice of music..but still: Good job, Harv!!
  5. Probably easier to mail it..if it was just the phone, it wouldn't be a pain to carry around at the show, but I have all the components, instructions, discs etc. that come with it, too. PM me your address and I'll send it.
  6. Sorry, Kev...just the semi-defective, slightly used FREE phone for today...
  7. I got the Sony Ericsson K850i about a month or so ago..I got it because it has 5 megapixel camera on it and I had owned & enjoyed the previous gen of this particular device (w/the 3.2 megapixel camera). Unfortunately, the camera stopped functioning, which is the primary reason I have it (I use my Blackberry most of the time for calls)--so I got another one. Sooo if anyone's interested in a FREE phone (with a non-functioning camera, but everything else working just fine, including an apparently really good music function) from Rogers, let me know. Otherwise, it's going in the "phone recycling box" in my office. You do need an active account w/Rogers to use it.
  8. As noted, this was confirmed by someone who was there..
  9. This was already posted word for word in one of the Bonnarroo threads.. And though a lot of Brownie tales are exaggerrated and/or embelished, this is in fact an accurate reporting of what actually went down...as per a friend of mine who does lights for the Biscuits and who also got busted with the band ($600 fine + citation).
  10. Man, the concept of paying for tickets to sporting events makes me wanna vomit. I think I've been working at Rogers too long.
  11. G.Love covering the Sanford & Son theme song. Funktastic.
  12. Show was great. He brings the funk. And free is always great.
  13. Then why did you put on those threadbare tighty whiteys from 1987 this morning?
  14. Ya think they purposely waited til "Flashback Friday" to announce this deal? LOL
  15. Thank god Butterfield's still around. I love him.
  16. Happy belated bday, Julia!!
  17. Let's also remember that he's not wearing any pants.
  18. http://chicagoist.com/2008/06/19/oooooh_yeah.php#comments The Kool Aid man is evidently on a rampage in Chicago. WANTED: For vandalism, destruction of property and pedophilia.
  19. That's always my feeling, too. Though the radio reported this morning that--scientifically!--this is the "Happiest Day of the Year"!! (they even cited a formula by which the happiness scientists arrived at this conclusion). I'm skeptical.
  20. Oops. I forgot the purple font. I thought it was implied.
  21. Well, hellllloooooo there, big fella! *wink* Any plans after you get out of prison? *bats eyelashes seductively*
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