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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. You are SUCH a GEEK.

    Hey now - there are a few going to the show that I have yet to meet' date=' and without a little planning it will never happen at a big show like this.

    Plus, they will probably bring weed!


    I stand by my "geek" statement and add "big dork" to your list of descriptors.

  2. I just told this story to one of our secretaries.

    In turn, she told me about an 80-year-old woman sitting in her electric wheelchair in her own yard in Surrey, BC. Scumbags came and threw her from her chair and stole it. Her daughter found her lying in the yard later that day.

    I hate people

    My god. That just elicited a visceral, physiological response from me. I'm nauseated.

  3. You're totally right Ms. Hux--I learned this lesson as a teenager when I used to babysit all the time. The really wealthy people used to be the biggest misers, and the people who were struggling with every penny were unfailingly generous.

    I remember, once, the wife of a lawyer for whom I was babysitting gave me $5 for 2 hours of babysitting her 2 year old and 6 month old and asked for $1 change.

  4. I'm more inclined to go with Brad's theory..the smell appears to be on my clothes as well.

    I have several co-workers who must bathe in perfume before coming to work and then insist on reapplying several times during the day. Perhaps it wafted by and attached itself to me.

    Yay! Pie for dinner!

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