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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. C'mon, Karen--you can wangle! I know you can!

    (actually, I think you just invented a new word--wangle--I'm not sure what it means, but I like it)


    Well, I'll be happy if you show up. Otherwise, we'll see you at the show!

  2. I just tried to re-sign in and my password wasn't working. This is the hilarious message I got in return:

    Don't worry: forgetting your password is just another part of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Just enter the email address you used to register with SIRIUS and we'll send you a new password. No problem.

  3. This is the best radio station EVER....

    I can't even describe how happy this is making me!

    Other than the Pink Floyd that I could have done without, it's been stellar this morning (I even enjoyed the DMB--it scared me, too!:

    Last 5 songs played...


    The Elevator>Below Radar

    Widespread Panic

    All Time Low - LIVE

    Pink Floyd

    Hey You - LIVE

    Dave Matthews Band

    Drive In Drive Out

    The Motet

    Cheap Shit

  4. Odds are currently looking good that it won't be rainy on Tuesday (assuming of course that my math is correct--40% POP means 60% chance of no rain, right?).

    As such, I'm inviting folks over for a backyard pre-Allman's gathering.

    I've got the afternoon off, so we can commence "gathering" anytime after 2:00 pm. I live near Lakeshore/Ellis--a short cab ride to the venue.


    *SPECIAL prize goes to whomever can identify what all the letters represent in my pithy acronym.

    If it does rain, Basher will just have to set up his canopy. Plus, I'm the only one who might melt, since I'm obviously composed of sugar.

    PM me for details and/or if you plan to attend.

    Note to T-Bone: It's just down the street. Don't be afraid.

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