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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Went to a Coldplay concert and they did a version of "It's a Wonderful World" At the end this HUGE football player guy behind me says in this deep blubberig voice, "That was fu©kin' beautiful man"

    guess you kinda had to be there, but it was really funny.

  2. Although coke & hookers are extremely tempting,I think I may have to pass due to being really ill most of the week...

    aw, sorry to hear you've been ill - hope you start feeling better soon! if there's any left overs we'll be sure to set some aside for ya (hookers I mean)

  3. oh WOW!!! I'm so happy to hear that everything is going so well for you two! I would absolutely LOVE to hear all about that magical night he was born, if you're willing to share. Send me a PM sometime if you have a moment (although i'm sure you're a tad busy with things these days)

    I'm just loving this new generation of skanks... maybe someday they'll all join a band together.

  4. LMP - you should check out tent alarms. That's right, tent alarms!!!!

    HAHA!! Well it looks like kuipy and I will be getting a pop-up camper this summer. I'm hoping we'll have one before the festival so I can have a nice comfy place sleep.

    Maybe I should get one of those alarms for the cooler - keep the wooks away!


  5. WOW!! If there was ever a reason to celebrate, it would be the birth of Mr. K the Kman Keri!!! So to honor this special day, I'm going to crank your famous dance mix, drink some non-alcoholic wine and spin myself round and round until i fall down and puke. YAY!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for letting me drive your car on my birthday when you were drunk, for making me giggle everytime I see you and for taking such good care of my best friend and making her happier than I have ever seen her.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BACKBACON! You're one of a kind!!


  6. I just stumbled upon this thread today... and wow, I honestly can't believe that some people think there are no bad effects from E.

    PP, remember those sunday mornings when the sun would come up and we'd count down the minutes until the beer store opened. Yes, that's when all we'd feel was the beer drowning out any leftover edge topped with a little pot to help us giggle again. (sigh) the good ol' ignorant days of no after effects.

    It's not addictive? Come on now. Just because you aren't doing it everyday, doesn't mean you're not addicted. I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me they aren't addicted, but they never seem to be able to get through a party without taking it. Addiction means you're dependant. If you don't think you can have a good time, or stay up late without eating a pill... then you're dependant/addicted.

    I gotta admit, it's been really nice to have a clear head these past few months (although the hormones are a totally different battle i'm finding) and it's really made me realize how much I was addicted to that drug. Over the years I've cut back considerably, often taking long breaks from it - but i always came back to visit with my dear friend E-laine. And I will also admit that if we had never planned to get pregnant, I would have never gone this long without it. WHY? Because i'm addicted. I crave it all the time, i honestly do - and the sad thing I've realized is that I probably always will.

    Hi, my name is LittlemissPink and I am an E-oholic.

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