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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Thanks for posting that Del! Those dancers make me miss dancing on acid. Gotta love that EXPO 2000 track by Kraftwerk in the background too.

    Believe it or not, at the end of the movie "Footloose" when they're at the school dance there is a dude that's an amazing liquid dancer! Totally took me by surprise... i think i watched it over and over!

  2. Thanks Palace! Thanks to my dad hookin' me up with a fancy satalite dish, I was able to catch the last 40 minutes of Survivor last night! Were you able to record it?

    Speaking of Surivor - LowRoller... when's the next Skank Survivor happening??

  3. WHEW! I was glad to open this thread and read that you were only kidding about liking the slip LowRoller. I thought I might be the last person on earth who still didn't like them.

    This has been the only thread that's actually peaked my curiosity in the last while... mainly because there is a NEW topic of interest and bands that are definitely worth checking out. AND a couple I haven't even heard of. I am excited to check them out! Thanks guys! I’ve been seriously bored of all my music lately. Although I HAVE re-discovered an old Ernest Ranglin cd that i'm quite enjoying these days.

    KevO - I'm with you on the Shins! The song "Pink Bullets" inspired me to learn how to play guitar. (and i don't just like it because it has the color pink in the title either)

    And lastly - GET THE GARDEN STATE SOUNDTRACK! It’s great! Palace I will make you a copy of it. K?

  4. whoa, thank goodnes. i thought this was going to be one of those look at me naked in the shower threads again.

    well if you ask real nice, i can probably make that happen for ya Boogie!

    hey that reminds me of a joke.

    Q: How do you make a napkin dance?

    A: Just put a little boogie in it :)

  5. Btw, when did gator dye his hair blue?

    when he joined the fearsome old lady gang. It was part of the mandatory initiation.

    And BradM - if I'm to all of a sudden appear as a "newbie" does this mean I have to leave my scotch tape, bingo bag and 12 dabbers at home? I don't feel very secure without them.


  6. Good idea BradM!! And if I win again tonight, i'm going to stand up and yell "In your face old ladies!"

    I'll bring a troll and a lucky lighter just to ensure this plan goes through without fail.

  7. wow! You're all so lucky!

    My dad and I go to Bingo every wednseday night. We've never won until last week I won 3 times in a ROW! All these old ladies were growling at me and one was even shaking her fist and flaring her nostrils! I gotta admit, I was real scared walking out of the hall at the end of the night. Thought a couple of the blue hairs were waiting to jump me. I made it out alive though.

    Hope I win again tonight!

  8. I've been rollin' up my rim everday from Tim Hortons since it started and haven't won a damn thing. Not even a stinkin' donut. My rim always says, "Please Play Again" - so today I took my rim into Tim's and said, "It says I get to play again, give me my free coffee" and .... SHE GAVE ME ONE!!! HAHAHAHA!!

    OK, but that's not really what this post is about - just wondering how lucky you skanks are... anyone ever win anything big... like the lotto? or scratch tickets? Or Bingo???

  9. Kitchener has 2 fantastic record stores.

    X-Disc-C - on the corner of King & Queen, downtown kitchener


    Orange Monkey - on the corner of Princess & King, Uptown Waterloo.

    Been awhile since I've checked either store out, but they are the biggest contributors to my vinyl collection.

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