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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. Make sure the lyrics have something to the effect of "i'm going to gauge out your eyeballs and skull fu©k you" or something scary like that. teehee :)

    Are you talking about the song Skullfuck by Neophyte? 'Cause those are some of the exact lines from it...

    no - but I think that's a quote from Full Metal Jacket or something, I can't really remember. The song I'm talking about is by Ron D Core - the rest of the lyrics say something about being in a world of sh!t, then something about ripping off your head and puking down your throat and then a bunch of fu©k you's over and over. It's a real lovely song... great for when the grandparents come over.

  2. Gowan started it - Ron D Core finished it. Gabber or anything with hard driving bass will run your neighbours right out of the place. Make sure the lyrics have something to the effect of "i'm going to gauge out your eyeballs and skull fu©k you" or something scary like that. teehee :)

    Worked for us anyways.

  3. Arcane and Mercenary - my heart has sunken right to the pit of my stomach - i am truly sorry to hear this news. It's true what everyone's been saying - there IS hope, this I know first hand. If you need anything at all, please let me know. My thoughts are with you...

  4. Lookin' forward to waddling around the festival over the long weekend. Maybe I'll give birth at Izzy's and our son can brag about being born at a music festival.



  5. hey thanks for the wake-up call at 7:00 sunday morning ya freaks! You guys are CRAZY!!!

    I know who took the thrown, but i'll never tell.

    wish we could have been there. I tried to send the gator off to your place with a big ol' bottle of rye to stir things up, but he's all responsible now. Said he had to WORK in the morning.

  6. Doug - Unfortunately Fantasia has not come out with their line of maternity lingerie. But I gotta say, your wife is one hot mama! It was very nice to finally meet her the other night.

    And J-Roc... Those elastic lassies are not electronic devices... but if you feel like a real cock SHOCK, go ahead and plug one of those things into the wall. I dare ya.

  7. Hey everyone! Sorry to advertise on the board. This has nothing to do with music, although I'm sure I'll have music playing through out the day.

    I'm having a Fantasia open house Sunday, February 13th from 2-5 for anyone interested in purchasing some last minute valentines day gifts. There won’t be a presentation or anything… it’s just going to be set up like a store. We have a nice wide selection of fancy stuff and sexy lingerie, sure to get your loved one in the mood and gushing with love.

    And for those of you who are spending valentines day alone, I'm sure I can help you out too! We have lots of toys that will keep you happy all night long ;)

    If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you directions to my place.

  8. ick!! Sometimes that horrible video likes to creep into my thoughts meggo and I try hard not to smash my head in with a large shovel. Most times I succeed without damage.

    As for the junkies? I've never really had an opinion, to be honest. I don't think I'd ever buy one of their cd's, but I don't find myself facing any shovel incidents when they come on either.

  9. OK, i really hate this song, and I really don't know WHY I even care... but ya know that song by Meatloaf that goes, "I would do anything for love... but i won't do THAT"? What won't he do? I've never figured it out.

  10. Hey Palace! I saw a "for rent" sign on a house on cedar st. Feel like takin' over the old hood again? I have an extra meat tenderizer if ya need one.

    I find rent is so reasonable in kitchener. I've found a couple great townhouses for very little over the years. Those places on Thaler (that name still makes me giggle) were AWESOME! Each bedroom had it's own floor, basement with a washer/dryer, driveway for 2 cars and a cute fenced in yard! I think we paid $700 + Hydro there. Not too shabby.

    Do you have a time limit?

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