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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. woohoo!! it's getting close to that time! See everyone tonight... can't wait!!

    Gator and I have lots of floor space, beds and air matresses to crash (and a futon for velvet) - just let us know, and we'll hook you up for the night!!

    Alexis - your message last night made me giggle... hope to see you at my place before the show tonight!

  2. LMP bought a house? Those Ottawa girls musta bought a lot of Tupperware last week.

    HA HA!!!!!! yes, i bought a house! After a VERY long year of saying "no" and staying in I've finally saved up enough to buy one of my very own!

    You are all welcome to come by for some pre-Lanc festivities!!! Just give me a ring and I'll give ya directions!! 519-568-8536

    Friday night is going to be crazy!!!!! I can't wait to see all of you!!!


  3. Sorry, kinda. It's because I'm fat. Or am I fat because I say nasty things? Oooo. The great mysteries of life never end.

    I doubt it's any mystery. You're fat because you're likely a lazy assmunch who spends too much time sitting on your plump butt writing nasty degrating things to women on the net instead of doing anything useful.

    Atleast if you're going to be lazy, be productive by lending some positive thoughts or helpful ideas.

  4. i love that bunny lmp! what's it called?

    not sure, doll! Palace Princess sent it to me because it reminded her of me.

    actually, i just went to the site that hosts that picture and as it turns out, his name is Happy Bunny. He says all kinds of friendly things like :




    He's got some friends too:



  5. wow! 5pm megs? I like to take a little nap after dinner sometimes too. Once my cousin ate so much spaghetti she fell asleep at the table face down in her plate of noodles.

    I think I might even stay out past midnight that night.

    (thugnor, you never fail to make me giggle)

  6. What's her obsession? Does she like poor milk all over herself then role in the cereal?

    I think you hit your head a little too hard when you fell off that toilet there, Lazlo.

    My mom just likes to eat cereal a lot.

  7. Hey schwa - let's have the pre-festivities at my new house! Lots of room, and no one living upstairs!!

    We also have lots of space for those out-of-towners in need of a place to crash that night!

    email me for directions.

  8. Hey h, speaking of gross avatars, is yours not currently a little girl gnawing on her own arm? (Perhaps she is also a cave dweller?)

    hmm... it looks like she's eating corn actually. If you don't like corn, it could be pretty gross i guess.

  9. Tonberry - I'm so glad you're back on the board! You start some of my favourite threads!

    where do I start? I have an entire computer FULL of mangler pictures.

    ok, i hope PP doesn't kill me for posting this, but:


    here's a timeless classic of gator (i just chose one out of the 500):


    This one of Babsy & QQC always makes me laugh:


    I've got so many more - but let's just start with those.

  10. bringing orgasms to people everywhere.

    when the doctor asked me what my occupation was the other day I should have said THAT!

    You guys are all too much! You know I love you all SO much. Thanks for the appreciation everyone. Wow, and it's not even my birthday!

    big hugs and kisses going out to all of you - you've just made my whole day.

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