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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. awesome advice everyone.

    Dave-O, that was rich!

    I was just at the doctors last week and blood pressure is fine and dandy.

    The sodium and msg is probably my problem. MAN, do I ever crave that stuff... especially PICKLES!! I could sit down and eat a whole fricken jar.

  2. it's just a regular headache, although I'll throw that little bit of advice into my back pocket paisley - thanks!

    Meggo, I think a neck massage is a good idea. I'll just have to wait for Jay to get home for that one.

  3. How can I get rid of a headache without taking any aspirin or Tylenol? My doctor said Tylenol is safe and won’t harm the baby, but I really don’t feel right taking it as frequently as I get headaches (which is every other day it seems)

    If anyone has any natural cures, please enlighten me!!! At this point, I’m ready to try anything!

  4. Hey PP - you forgot that whenever you pass by a warehouse, an empty building, a phone booth, whatever... you say, "man, that would be a great place to throw a party"

    I laughed through that entire post Becky - thanks for the giggles and the memories.

  5. but when everyone's bitching about it in a couple of months, don't say I didn't warn you...

    thanks for the warning, but I think I'll go on not caring about people's bitching. You know what they say, "if you can't say anything nice... come sit by me"

  6. why is everyone saying GOSH? well i think it's pretty simple really - because it's funny and people like to laugh and be silly sometimes. There's really no deep meaning here - although maybe I’m not analyzing this as intensely as you are. But I can probably bet people are going to say it a lot more when they're around you now Del... ;)

  7. spooky Todd! I wonder what he looks like? Do you think you'll ever try to contact this dude? Become pen pals or something? That is, of course, if he's found.

    I use to work with a guy named Chris Watts which was incidentally the same name of this criminal at large who gave these young girls ecstasy and did bad stuff to them. It was all over the front pages of the news paper. Not the same guy, but it spooked me right out when I saw that in the stores!

  8. Hey Sari - no, we haven't found out what the sex is yet. We just didn't want to call the baby "it" all the time so we say "she" - for some reason we have this feeling it's a girl, but there's really no way to tell.

    PP - I can't WAIT to have that scope in my possession!! Gator listens to my belly without one right now and says, 'it's awfully noisy in there" ...hehe, i think all he hears is gas.

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