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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. gosh, thanks everyone! So far my day has been great! Gator didn't infact forget my birthday (I'm sure most of you know I would never let that happen.. haha!) But just so you all keep thinking he's a macho man, i'll keep that sensitive side a secret for now.

    Saturday night we're having a little gathering at my place to celebrate - and you're all invited to come if you want! Email me if you need directions to my place. pink@nacns.com

    Again, thanks for the wishes... you all make me smile so big!

    big hugs and kisses going out to all of you!

    PS - sari, that picture is hilarious - it must have been taken after my trip from Alaska. I was hunting wolverines.

  2. YES! I especially like the picture of you and stitch face. Gator has been bugging me to scan them for awhile now... infact, I think you just got me in sh!t by saying that - THANKS A LOT! (haha) I just have to track down the cord for my scanner... got lost in the move.

  3. HA HA Megs! Couldn't keep it in, eh? Well no doubt you're excited - Ottawa is THE BEST place to party! You're going to love it there!

    Gator booked the weekend off so it's a go! We just need a heady place to sleep for the night. If anyone has any suggestions of reasonably priced hotels, please let us know!

    Woohoo... it's lex's bday! Can't wait to celebrate with ya, doll!

  4. Hey Sara!! So glad to see you on the board!

    I'm going back to Tillsonburg tonight - a booking from Alisha's party! Should be a fun night.

    Hope to see you really soon...

    Love Miranda

  5. DancingBear, this was a truly wonderful idea that played out perfectly. I got to find out someone had a duel-personality on here, but my lips are sealed.

    Is it WavingInTheWind? Because I'd seriously like to find out who that is.

    Also, if I vote for Pedro, will my wildest dreams come true?

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