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got this little tidbit in my email last week...

Women grossed out by sticky public toilet seats can now stand up, aim and deliver.

Organizers at this year's Cisco Systems Bluesfest will hand out 10,000 free samples of P-mate, a disposable paper product that lets women urinate while standing up.

Already a big hit with the ladies at European music festivals, P-mate is

the brainchild of a Dutch woman who became revolted by crouching over holes in the ground during her travels in Indonesia.

Festival organizers contacted Moon Zijp, who caused a sensation in Holland when she gave a demonstration on a TV talk show.

"There's a lot of people who are apprehensive but once you try it, you'll

love it," raved Glenna Gosewich, Bluesfest's director of sponsorship and a recent P-mate convert.

Festival organizers hope the promise of convenience and reduced spillage will prompt women to give P-mates a whiz.

"It was really one of the most liberating experiences ever," said Gosewich, who along with two other female co-workers, tried out the bathroom aid.

"I don't want to be a man but if there was one aspect I could have, that would be it."

She said the P-mate -- available in three eye-catching designs -- has potential for female cottage-goers who dread the trip to the outhouse and even elderly women who have trouble sitting on a toilet seat.

At the Bluesfest, Zijp and a "hostess team" will hand out the samples at a

"P-mate area" and give instructions on the joys of upright bladder relief.

Organizers are hoping to sell 2,000 five-packs as must-have accessories.

Festival organizers are looking for volunteers available to hand out the free P-mate samples. To volunteer, call 247-1188.

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everyone is satisfied by a good pee graham...

now this is a good idea (even though it's always been possible to just stand over the toilet facing the wall...) however, even i'm a little bit wierded out by the pee mate covered in eyes... what is that?

wink.gif" border="0

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