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Oysterhead guitar tech question


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I noticed trey, at the beginning of Radon Balloon, had a little violet laser device and was moving it over his strings. Did that have something to do with tuning, or was it some wierd and wacky thing that helped create some of the mellow noises at the beginning of that tune?

anyone know what I'm talking about

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The EBow was designed for guitar string spacing. It gets its necessary alignment by resting on the strings adjacent to the one you're playing. To play the EBow on bass, you must accomplish this critical alignment in challenging ways. You can rest the EBow between the strings and tilt it sideways to get the string you want to play to run down the drive channel. You can use your forefinger and thumb off the edges of the EBow to create "grooves" that catch the adjacent strings. Or, you can just hold the EBow in the proper position through sheer will and determination. Light gauge strings and a touch of distortion can prove useful, especially in the harmonic mode.

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Very recently a new version, the E-Bow plus was released, which has a new setting that sustains a random high harmonic (usually the octave or a fifth above), and here we have the full low down on the new version

What is it?

E-Bow stands for Electronic Bow - it1s a little box that sits in the palm of your hand with a three way switch on the top, and a light on one end

What does it do?

Hold the E-Bow along the string and it generates a magnetic field that simulates feedback, giving you infinite sustain, like a bow! The E-Bow Plus has two settings, one for the normal note, and one that sustains a harmonic, which is great for eerie noises with a delay pedal! If you hold it over the pick-up it generates a really smooth distorted tone that varies in volume governed by very small movements along the string.

What is it good for?

Setting up drone notes for introductions, sweeping chello-like melodies and general weirdness.

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Oh yeah and how's about the Antler guitar?? what do you think of that...My guess is he's got overdrive/sustain/feedback cranked out the wazoo, you see him turn up the volume knob and then tap an antler to shake the guitar up a bit and get it to make some noise... but I think he's faking it on the theremin gestures... Whammy pedal perhaps?

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I think the guitar gestures are accompanied by Paul L. playing with feedback levels etc...I've seen Trey do that shit from close up a bunch of times, and he's not hitting any pedals, or playing with the knobs...

Who knows though...could depend on how big the puddle was that I fell into at/during those shows as well wink.gif" border="0

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That is controlled via electromagnetic fields eh?

So, he'd have to have all the shit installed at various antlers? He had his hand's "controlling" different points on the antlers. It's possible that the deer was a freak of nature, and when Trey hit it with his Chevy Truck, he noticed that it had some little antennas embedded within it's protrusions, however, unlikely.

Here's a little Theremin movie of Leon Theremin demonstrating his original device. I want one.


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I built a Theremin years ago, don't use it much anymore but it's in this cool Fleetwood 8-track round kinda radio thing from the 70's... Looks like an astronaut helmet with antenna. Anywanys, when you tune them you hold your hand near them and turn a knob to make your hand position '0' or no sound... the pitch gets higher as your hand gets closer to the antenna. Due to the unusual amount of sobriety flowing through my veins I noticed he wasn't really playing it, he'd hit one of the antennae to get a sound out of the guitar(easily done when the gain/ovdrive/whatever is cranked) then he'd make the pitch go up and down-not with his hand movements though... tricked me for a bit. I dunno, I may be wrong but it just didn't look quite right-and I was only 10ft away.

The site is kinda funny, they spelled my last name as "Warrent"- made me feel like a rocker

Theremin - Yellow with orange background 1/2 way down...

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okay...just being an asshole here.

it's spelled THEREMIN.

i really want one that hooks up to an amplifier so I can effect it. imagine loops, echo, phaser, and synth on one of those deals.

imagine me with a looper and a steady funk groove(you know i can do it, giggles) and then kick into the atmospheric spaced out sounds made by a theremin and a space echo?

it'd be awesome. the jams produced could be legendary. anyone wanna help me make this a reality??

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No worries-they all hook up to an amp. I have a tape delay as well(Space Echo 301) and believe me, a Theremin through that is something else.

You could build one if you're feeling adventurous: Theremax is about $139 US at www.paia.com

Or buy one designed by Mr. Moog himself, his company is called Big Briar (that's the one Page plays) but they are expensive. Alternately, you could build a light-controlled one that works almost the same, There's a guy in the states called "Dr. Professor" who builds them and sells them on Ebay...

Good luck!

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