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I can't believe that as soon as I read gentlemonkey's response, I read it as it was sung. I instantly recognized it. FUCK! It's soo obvious that that song is everywhere. I don't even listen to the radio or muchmusic. I think it's played everytime I go to the gym.

God I hate top 40

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i met nickleback when my sister won a radio contest - i tagged along... (they were opening for everclear...) anyway, they were very nice boys from BC and i think you people are being very mean.

i don't really know what they played, but they sounded good live and were a little heavier than some 'radio music' and they were very nice and i dont' think you should hate them -- you are hippies and you should spread love and joy and happiness espcially cuz it's christmas

so there.

wink.gif" border="0

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I don't know what the sticking up for Nickelback thing is all about, because one's even attacking them!

The same singer notion came out about the same time the Stone Temple Shitheads showed up in 93. I still get confused. It's almost 10 years later, and more and more bands come out with lead singers that sound exactly like Vedder.

I think we should put a stop to it now, and form a band with a lead singer that sounds exactly like Vader!

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No, I missed that unfortunately. I gained respect for Eddie when he sang at Bob Dylan's tribute concert some years ago - I forget which song he did - but it was solo a-cappella - absolutely amazing. Plus, I love the way Pearl Jam tried to stick it to Ticketbastard.

that was cool...

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