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Need a little shn help please...(actually, alot)


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So, I am now running direct connect and I've downloaded a show in *.shn format. I have now come to the realization (after trying) that no programes on my computer recognize the *.shn format...DOH. So, what programme do I need to listen to this tasty new *.shn show I downloaded and from there, how do I convert it into to a normal format so I can burn it and listen to it on a normal CD player........PLEASE HELP!!

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Another option is to use WinAmp. You can get "ShnAmp" for WinAmp from http://www.etree.org and it'll allow WinAmp to play .shn files. (This is useful if you just want to listen to the .shn files before burning them to CD and/or eating lots of disk as .wav files.)

To convert .shn to .wav, I just use WinAmp and set it to use the DiskWriter output plug-in.

I also use "md5sum" to check the .md5 files and make sure I've downloaded everything properly.



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I just play the files on the fly with winamp and the shnamp plugin.

If you just want to listen, do that.

The only problem is that you can't jump into the middle of the song, nor can you do a fastforward or rewind, which sux.

I actually use that to decompress to wav as well.

I used to use MKW for that. I may go back to that, because there is a really bad bug in winamp that sometimes screws up the filenames which in turn, leads me to burn the wrong tunes.

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actually, bouche (and others), you CAN search back and forth in certain shows in the shn format. You'll probably find that shows that have been seeded since the middle of last year are "seekable". This is a newer feature of mkwact for those who compress to shn. you'll find it in the newest version. If you run XP you'll find out that trying to compress a wav to shn WITH seek tables WILL NOT go very smoothly. Just a little FYI for those who do seed shows and may not have been aware of this feature when generating shn files....

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OK. First go Here: http://home.att.net/~mkw/mkwact.html

and download the official release (.96f). Don't worry about the runtime libraries. Install it on your computer.

once installed, open the program. Choose "options" and then select "file options". Browse to the directories where you want mkw to dump the .wav files when working. I usually just have a folder named "wav" inside of my download directory to which all the .wav files get dumped. Now, while still in the "file options" menu, check the following: create subdirectories, generate md5 after compressing, report md5 verification only on errors. You may also choose to select "delete input files after processing". basically, if you leave it checked, the original files you are working with will be deleted when turned into a different format. its up to you

OK, that should be all you need in setting up mkwact. Now, go to the directory you have downloaded shn files to. First, you'll want to check the integrity of the files. right click on the md5 and choose "verify". once the checksum has completed without errors you're good to go. Now, highlight all the .shn files, right click and choose decode to wav. mkwact will now process all of the files and turn them into .wav files. These can now be burned in your favorite burning software (i.e., ezcd, nero, cdrwin, etc). when burning make sure to select the DAO or "disc at once" option. I have to go to work now....hope this helped.

OH YEAH! to play shn files through winamp, go to etree.org and download the "shnamp" pluggin. follow their directions and you should have no problem...

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SHN files with appended seek tables are the only seekable SHNs. Win2k has the same problem with appending the seeks as XP, I don't know why. They just don't work. So, some shows you can jump through and others you can't. I'm back to '98 now, so I"ll be doing my stuff with seek tables from now on.


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