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Brad/Nero guys/Anyone who can help...


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Graham and I are facing a slight dilemma... we really wanna get a board patch tomorrow night but are too chicken to confront the dudes at dekcuf... you think you guys, with all your immesurable influence, could ask for us? We wanna do a sbd + 4 mic matrix... it will be amazing.. to really get the feel of the show. But we're wankers... so if you can help, talk to me! smile.gif" border="0

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Hey guys, be careful with a 4 mic matrix. you might run into phasing issues, especially if you're limited in where you can place them. basically, having a stereo pair of mics, then placing a third (or fourth) mic into the mix risks putting the mix out of phase, since the sound will hit the extra mic at a different time, and it will be combined with the other two signals. Sorta like pressing play on 3 copies of the same cd at *almost* the same time.

Anyhow, give it a shot if you like, but maybe a 2mic+sbd mix would be more reliable.

good luck!

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Sometimes the phase differences and subsequent 'comb-filter' effect can be fixed by simply using the phase flip button...it will either say 'phase' or have a '0' with a slash through it. Not all preamps have them but you can do it manually by flipping pins 2 and 3 on each mic cables XLR connector-you can get adapters to do this or make some small cables that are just for this purpose...they can come in VERY handy.

Otherwise, use a trick they do in live sound for speaker stacks out further in the crowd-use a digital delay to change the time position of one source against the other-in this case it would be one set of mic's delayed in time against the other set. Use a clean stereo delay, no feedback, no modulation of any kind, and a setting between 5 and 100 msec...as you adjust the delay time you'll hear the sound changing...it's like a phaser only you are manually moving the 'phasing' sound. You'll hit a spot that just sounds good, the bass will be full and not scooped out....

It's not as complicated as it sounds, does require a bit of practice and some set up time tho...

Also, this is only if you are mixing all the sources down to 2 tracks while you are recording...if you're recording to some sort of multitrack then you could just move the sources in the timeline later....

T. Gruvsten

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Just ask guys.....

I will be glad to help out, but I just had Kids In the Hall tickets drop into my lap and will be arriving late.

The worst thing that can happen is they say no.... I suspect they will be accomodating for tonights show, and after we are done with em, they will accomodating for every show from now on.

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