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AHHHHH SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Just started here, too (Kanata). I had one of the (family) traditional "I Hate Snow" e-mails from my Mom in Toronto this morning. (There's an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show in which Mr. Grant comes in to the newsroom *covered* in snow. He starts in, "I *hate* snow. I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it feels, I hate the way..." and on an on. It became a kind of tag-phrase in the family, especially when the first snow of the season hits.)



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its talk about doug day i think but.... hood, i know the job for you... doug use to work in the parking booths at carleton u.

So in the summertime he was always looking down at the girls in their cars - it's amazing how high skirts hike while driving.

i think you've found your calling.

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Hmphf. I can only hope it will kill most of the mosquitoes and blackflies. Leave enough for the birds and bats to eat. Birds and bats are cool. Especially in this weather.

Just don't hit birds with bats; the Humane Society will be all over your ass.

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