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there's an incredible book with several short chapters that's ideal for reading when you got itchy red eyes. It's called Einstein's Dreams and it gives short synopsis' on various perceptions of time (ie what would life be like if it began when one's old and then ends when one becomes a baby). it's one of my favorite books of all time!

as for Vonnegut, try J Garcia's favorite Sirens of Titan (in '79-80 Garcia and other friends from SNL wanted to make it into a movie, something to think about).

oh yeah, also The Helping Friendly Book by Icculus is an ultra headee read (tuh) rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Let's see we've covered Robbins, good, good

Vonnegut, excellent

Hunter S., Prayer for Owen Meany, Heartbreaking Work, Eco, all would have been highly recommended by me

So what have we missed?

1. The Alchemist - Pablo Coelho

2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenace - Robert Persig

3. I just can't stress Tom Robbins enough - JITTERBUG PERFUME!

4. Ken Folliet - The Pillars of The Earth

5.Timothy Findley - Not Wanted on the Voyage

Currently reading...Welcome to the MonkeyHouse - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

PS. Did I mention Tom Robbins?

PSS Did I mention I'm home sick today and the Neo Citrin may have taken over?

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Lovin this thread! smile.gif" border="0

Einstein's Dreams sounds really cool, and I'll definitely check out some Tom Robbins and that book by Tim Ward. If I was gonna read one Tom Robbins book, what should it be?

Travels With Charlie (Steinbeck) was the last book I read, and I liked it alot. The next two books on my list are:

Cannery Row - John Steinbeck

9-11 - Noam Chomsky

Also, is there a decent Neil Young biography out there?

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I read (looked at) a funny book while in San Fran for the new year...don't quite remember the author but it's hard to forget the title of the book: Naked Picture's of My Ex-Girlfriends...

and YUP, thats exactly what it is...

Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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ox·y·mo·ron n. pl. ox·y·mo·ra (-môr, -mr) or ox·y·mo·rons

A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in 'jumbo shrimp' or 'summer reading'.

j/k! wink.gif" border="0

I reckon I'll just stick to my musician/ band biographies. Next on the list: Miles Davis (If Schwa will lend it to me before he gives it back to the person he borrowed it from.)

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i want to do my 2 cents..

kerouac is my favourite writer and i love hunter s.t., maybe it's because i always picture him as johnny depp, a good story is roots by alex haley, a crazy one is bury my heart at wounded knee, it's brutal though about when the whiteys totally massacred the natives.. i'm reading 'hell's angels' right now by thompson. it's good.

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