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Endless Combinations


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So, I know a handful of you rec'd at the Meet & Greet a free copy of Mark Tonin's 1996 album "Endless Combinations". What's everyone think?

I thought it was very creative and insightful. I had it playing in my car all last week and it made for a rather enjoyable ride to work and back indeed. Dave Scully's infectious guitar tones area all over it.

I especially found "Katlin" interesting and the jammin (Not to mention the play by play of a Dead concert experience.) on "Dead Sound" was a trip.

Way to go, Mark. You rock!

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Mark Tonin is far too cool for words. I loved that tape - it made for great tunage for the trips into town. Totally dig your little girl'd pipes, Mark. If you're lucky and she's not going to rebel against parents she's going to be a super cool girl.

Don't stop writing dude.

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I'll put it onto CDR so it can be easierily (word?) distributed. Of course I'll make sure to scan that cover so everyone can see Mark T. at his most glorious rock-starishness (word?).

Sorry about the iffy words, just got up and the thinker is still woozy from dreaming.

Mark, if you don't wnat this distributed on CDR, please let me know.

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You are all so kind!

Wow, it has been a while since I gave out copies of that recording to anyone. And even longer since I recorded it ... my daughter Katlin is now 8, she was 2 when I recorded Endless Combinations.

Dave Scully is a wonderful guitar player, imho. Knows LOTS of Dead tunes. I used to jam with him and Tim Fisher (a super drummer and human being who knows as many Dead tunes as Dave does) and Neil "Snail" Torrie (guitarist and master of effects). And I had a few teacher friends and students help out as well.

I must admit, my playing has been really sporadic of late. Most of my music energy of late has gone into promoting and dancing.

I'm really glad I blew the dust off those tapes and brought them up to Frontier Town. I'll have to bring some more on Canada Day and give them out before tape decks become totally extinct.

I do have the recording on DAT and fairly recently transferred it to CD so I will get a CD copy into a few hands for sharing. At times the recoding makes me smile and shiver with excitement, and at times it makes me cringe. But it was most definitely a satisfying project. I really enjoyed blending tracks and songs recorded in a studio environment with recordings of live jams.

Thanks again to everyone for the kind words and for making it easy for me to want to share.

Peace, Mark

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I popped my tape in last night and really enjoyed it. The instrumentals were great, the lyrics were poetry, and I found the vocals to be a cross between Leonard Coen and a Tela Tubbie. Very unique, trippy and at times scary. Some great jam moments. I would recommend that everyone give this a listen. Mark, you continue to impress me and make me smile. Well done.

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