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Hey Jaybone


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Just in case you missed the big news on the front page...

Guess who won a pair of Phil tickets? Woo hoo!

Now we just need to hook up Jazz Mandolin tix and we're set.

See y'all at the Amp. Let the good times roll...

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Ms. Hux: My brother's in Toronto (from Japan) for a couple of weeks, and I might be able to convince him to go; I just tried to call him and couldn't get through. If I can get a yes from him by noon, can he get one?



P.S. As an added bonus, he's never listened to the Dead or Phish or any jam/groove band, so he's staunchly in the "newbie" category.

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Here's the sob story...

i'm so new to the 'scene' (if you can call the odd foray with dogatthestation to the scherzo/shot, and my multiple pointless posts on the Skank being part of the scene) that it almost hurts and according to a few inside sources this is a show that should not be missed... a possible baptism by fire so to speak. plus, the doctors have only given me another 58 years, my dog ate my homework and the cheque is in the mail. I'm going for the pity votes, here.

Seriously, though, i was just visiting ticketmaster and going over the speech to the wife about how i needed to see this phil guy and his buddies... i was getting desperate.

[exit stage left]


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Originally posted by Booche:

Yup, aint no better sob story than needing "to see this Phil guy and his buddies"


That busted my one and only nut!

hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and if that means revealing my true nature as 'green on the scene', i'm more than willing to admit to it!

BTW booche, the doctor says its mostly useless, so you could borrow my detachable third nut if you ever need it in a pinch

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I second that motion, Bouche!!!

WOW! I had no idea it would be that easy! I thought the screening process had at least a few more steps to it - you know, like a phish-related trivia challenge, a 'name that tune' speed round and the final ShowCase Showdown to determine the victor...

A very big "THANK YOU" to Ms. Hux (who will be officially deified later next week) -and some more related thanks to the rest of the Skanks for putting up with me!


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