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Feels Like a Monday


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I, too, spent many a Sunday afternoon/night working on the Words (under my nom de words, "Dr. Whom"). Clark Hall Pub used to pay for its ads with a couple of cases of beer, so we'd quaff a few while trying to stay sober enough to create ads using letraset. Hey, I've done cutting and pasting using a knife and glue...I've used a blue pencil...and you tell young people that today, and they don't believe you...



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how's this for a Wednesday/Monday hell... my lovely city of 70,000 is completely without water and has been since yesterady at dinner. Some dink broke a water main while doing construction, then tried to repair it, only to have it break in a bigger place. The whole city is cranky and smelly. Some hump day eh? Everything's closed but where I work, or course.


smelling like p132funk [Frown][Frown][Frown][Frown]

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Originally posted by bradm:

Hey, I've done cutting and pasting using a
...I've used a blue pencil...and you tell young people that today, and they don't believe you...

Yeah, well, they don't believe folks used to throw animals heads and innards into the Grease Pit, either. Come to think of it, that particular disbelief was the subject of a GW cartoon, with my ex as playing the lead role as the grumpy old fart.

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