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Hey Now kind pholk!...Good to be on CAN.soil!


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...man,I thought I would NEVER come down....anyway the border today @1000islands was just ...way below average!The works,THE WORKS. ABB @ Darien was incredible my copies are complete crap all around,I was WAYYYY too high to be doing anything! I think the mics were pointed X/Y towards the grass-area!!??...Schwa...Ill take a looksy tonite and e-ya tomorrow....People,please put down yer addy for the perma-Schleigho show~~Doug will be receiving his this week and he needs someone to passit on & on & on.....Is "ORANGE COUNTY" any good?..just rented it...



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darien lake REALLY needs to improve their entrance to the venue...the wait sucked.

saw the funniest thing after the show too...a guy tried to jump this ditch (a la dukes of hazzard) to the other side where the road was and ran it right into the side of the ditch!!

his buddies pile out of the van and disappear into the night after they realized the van was stuck in the mud.

but even funnier...the guy did this RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF!!!! needless to say he got a free ride to jail...LOL! [big Grin]

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Puddles, i've never done a tree before, how does it work and what do i do?

Chewie, thats some funny shit. I can just picture it now cuz i think i know exactly where you are talking about. Near the back corner to get to the road? Anyway, pudds, i sent you the list and some selections. I picked 10, hope thats a good # for ya.

Here's an interesting site for ya'll. CAUTION!!


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Hey Puddles. I saw Orange County in the theatre. It's probably a better rental, so enjoy. I'm glad you all enjoyed this version of the ABB. However, I still can't get up for a non-Dickie Allmans, no matter how good a show they put on - and I knbow the Darien show was good. My Allmans will always have Dickie Betts in it. I love Warren and Derek ( seen Gov't Mule, WHB and DTT a number of times ) but Dickie is/was as important to the band as Greg and Duane is/was. Oh yeah, the best line-up since Duane was the Woody-Haynes-Betts Allmans. That was the best band on the planet.

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I wasnt talking about any albums, but Seven Turns certainly didnt enrapture too many of us....... [Wink]

"And its bigger than a drive-in movie, ooo eee"

I saw the Allman's approximately 4-5 times in that period, and the Dead blew 'em away, hence, the Dead were fer me fer sure.

On a side note, I would really have liked to have seen the Allmans this past tour, without the punch-happy ex-con. I am not an elitist.

Derek and Warren?


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Still, the Allmans rule for me. I am an elitist. Actually, as you know, I don't consider the Dead, Allmans, PLQ, Stones, Neil, Zappa, Phish etc... anywhere near my favourite band " live " ( only in their prime however ): The Who. And I love all the above-mentioned bands.

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Schwa...awesome Hookahs ,thanx!!...do they still play Harm.Convergance?...Anyway,for the tree just contact Doug at the Scheigho post,put down your addy and boom it will arrive...then send to someone else who jotts down their addy,not your typical tree,just HAVE to spread this show around...

Hey TORONTO PEOPLE & SUROUNDING....I'm definitely goin' on Umphree's tour which of these 3 is closer...Lansing,Kalamazoo or Magic Bad?!...I think thats the 3 but maybe OHIO???...Im in Ottawa and theirs no VT...but just pokin' around...later....

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pudds, i don't thinkl they get into the convergence too much anymore. One of their oldest songs. Hope you lilke them as much as i do. ever since Phish quit, i was without a real favourite band. These guys quickl.y became tjhat substitute. Every time i see them they get better and better and man they were fucking great to begin with!!!! See them live!!!



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Had a blast at my first ABB show on Saturday! We had a good spot on the lawn, a bit to stage right of the tapers and a bit further back. We were pretty close to a speaker so the volume was loud enough. IMO, Derek Trucks stole the show!! Seems like he has a louder sound than Warren does. I heard some amazing tunes that I was hoping to hear (no Dreams though). The energy was high for all songs -- I wanted to have a seat for a few minutes but the ABB would have none of it!

Isn't the taper's section usually further up at Darien Lake? For this show it was at the back of the 400's (or maybe even at the front of the lawn?). I thought that was kinda weird.

We didn't see Galactic play but heard their set quite clearly from out in the lot and they sounded pretty good as well.

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Yeah, great weekend. Got my new ABB visor!

Schwa. the van went into the ditch by the road between the rocky lot and the pavement lot. We were all standing by Chew's car having an after show drink when this mini van comes barrelling down the rocky road, needing to turn left right before us. The problem was they kept going straight. No more than 8 feet from us! "Woo Hoo" was heard from the driver as they went over a first little bump and then smoosh, right into the muddy ditch! We definitely had the best seats of anyone for this freak accident. Absolutely crazy!

As for the show itself, the wait was a bit of a fiasco. However seeing as we didn't attemp to make it into the show until ABB were on for 20 minutes already, I shouldn't complain. We stolled right up to a spot at teh left of the lawn. Little bit too left perhaps. Lots of dancing room. Wasn't especially pleased with the sound. Needed to be turned up. That could be mostly due to our location.

Highlights - Ain't waistin time no more, Statesborugh, Liz Reed. Telling my buddy Blair, who showed up quite late, "Yeah I don't remember much of what you missed, I do know they just played a nice 'one way out' and you also missed 'Soulshine'. Funny thing, two songs later - "Soulshine". The encore - "One Way Out!" Hmmmm?!

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