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Charity..lets challenge each other!


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Someone mentioned the idea of charities, and I always think that we can do more. During many of the holiday seasons it becomes apparent that many of our fellow Canadians lack the basic neccessities that we take for granted. I know that the food banks are always looking for donations. I think that we should challenge the scene. There are many shows coming up in Ontario during the festive season....how hard is it to challenge folk to bring non-parisheable foods as part of the ticket. Organization is minimal, you know, some boxes for the food, and someone to take it to the food bank the next morning. I'm also up for any other ideas. Lets get it going! Mikey

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i think that this is a great idea too....every time i give to a charity it always seems to be to the humane society, (i have a huge weakness for animals) or else to a food bank. what if some of us donated a bit of time at some of the shows this festive season to collect for local food banks. i know i would be willing to find a few empty boxes and collect donations at the door or something, and then deliver them to a food bank.. i guess i gotta figure out what shows i am going to........and then maybe post here on jambands????

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oh no no! no chef boyardee - it's fucking poison! [smile] gee wiz bouchie!

how about some chick peas and tape an easy vegitarian chili recipe to it? ha ha - ok maybe that's too far - but ya tuna is good, what else is actually healthy simple to prepare and comes in a can? hmm...

i mean really just cuz people dont have a lot of cash, doesnt mean they should have to live on KD does it? [Razz]

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It's a nice idea at any time of year. There's no holiday spirit in February (I'm not counting Reading Week--it's a niche thing). Can we do it again in February? I'd settle for March. March sucks. But not as much as February.

Then again, there's no real difference if you're hungry, except that the money has to go three days further in March.

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I agree Charity is a everyday thing, not just a holiday thing...the festive seasons just seem to give people that extra boost to want to help...I would gladly fundraise at any time of the year however...that's an even bigger challenge that i like!

The whole Idea is this...when I was on tour with Burt Neilson, we did a bunch of show's with Jimmy,( you know he started the evovle festival), he used to use our shows as a showcase for different environmental issues...it was great not only did you have good music, but at the show you had information to gather about the issues at hand. To me that''s great, really brings back to mind what this scene is, a grassroots scene. There are a lot of people who I have met with extrordinary ideas, and the brains to acheive these things...If we pool together the power we have to help, and educate is incredible.

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Hey Mike, thanks for starting this post! I totally agree that charity should be everyday, and wanted to kick in a couple of related thoughts:

* For those of us who are on the web everyday for work and/or play, it only takes a few seconds to go to The Hunger Site and other click-to-donate-free sites. Also if you have a site of your own, why not add a link? I've had ones on the Uncle Seth site and my personal site for ages, and I know it's made lots of folks aware of these great efforts.

* Also, at this time of year there are lots of office parties and such where there could be leftover food. If you're involved in such things, see if there's a local group that will take perishable food donations. In Toronto there's Second Harvest, and I'm sure there are similar efforts in other centres. If you've ever looked at a half-finshed tray of sandwiches and thought it shouldn't go to waste, now it doesn't have to.


Mr. M.

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