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big light in the sky to the west?


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was just outside and due west there's some huge light just sitting there, just came back in from watching it for 10 minutes (after being inside 10 mins. since I first noticed it)

not moving and it looks way to big to be a star (20x the size of the next biggest star in the sky)

anything wierd supposed to be going on astrologically?

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i've been feelin' like there's a been a whole lotta weird astrological shit goin down recently... but maybe its just me... i dont know of anything in particular, pertaining to a big light in the sky, due west.... maybe i'll go for a walk and check it out, tho...

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its heading for the horizon but still up there, must be mars or something... big orange/yellow moon comin up from the other side(east)... I agree there's a strange feel to things, my dog's acting strange and when I was out a bit ago people were all kind of off or yelling

oh well, see what happens... bet there's some sort of odd news tomorrow

edit - I actually meant to ask if anythings wierd with tonight's astronomy in that first post but same difference I guess...

while I was outside I was having flashbacks to the north star flippin out when Jesus was born in the bible (brought up Catholic) and got wondering whats up in the middle east

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anything wierd supposed to be going on astrologically?


All five planets(Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter) that can be visible to the naked eye will appear together in the evening sky later this month in a viewing opportunity that won't be matched for 32 years.

My guess is it was Venus

Night Sky

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Guest Low Roller

I remember a few years back when Jupiter and Venus converged in the night sky. Obviously not physically, but from the point of view of North America. It looked like a huge bright spot in the sky that just stayed there. I too thought it was a helicopter at first, but then I realized it wasn't moving. It was definitely a creepy eerie feeling seeing something so bright in the night sky, and not knowing what it was.

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Paisley, that's divine intervention calling man! Halellujah, you've been saved.....all your sins and transgression have been washed away!

Don't FUCK that up Paisley, DON'T FUCK THAT UP!

.....and I'll tell you hangin' out with that Gator fella isn't a good way to start this new life of martyrdom ;)

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