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Best Birthday Ever!


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Wow. I absolutely have to post while I am this happy.

Best, Birthday, EVER!

Thank you so much to Cosmic Boogie Band - a helluva show with some very special treats. I will forever remeber the meatstick - and thanks for dead flowers.

You guys are awesome - see you at Lose Y'er Shoes!

To the people who are most important in my life, I love you beyond words.

Bob, Lise, Julia and friends, I had the greatest night. To those that are also most important in my life who weren't here, you are in my thoughts, and I miss you.

Thanks everyone, I couldn't be a richer man.

Bring on the thirties!


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Happy belated, glad you had a good one! I turn 29 this year, and I can't say I'm looking forward to the 30's... It feels like such an imporant age, when I should "straighten up" and "get my shit together". Boo to that, as Tom Waits beautifully croons: I don't wanna grow up...

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Hey Brian,

I'm glad you had a great time last night. I heard the wavelab files and the mix is pretty good. We'll have a birthday CD for you soon and we might even post it on this thread as soon as I'm able (or might start a new thread).

There was a little bit of a mix up so plans changed after the show so sorry about not showing up to Rob's.

That was a great time last night and I can't beleive I got the whole bar to do the Meatstick. SIK!

I'll keep you posted for upcoming shows.


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Happy Birthday my good friend! It was definately a stellar night last night and id like to thank the Boogie band as well for pulling out all the stops! Ill never forget the waitress' face when she saw Basher and I start to do the dance the first time... next thing you know the whole place was doin it... fantastic! 30 looks good on ya Brian...sorry bout the Cheerios and 4 hr old milk :)

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