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Novel idea: do some work for once


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Apart from going full on Costanza and setting a bed up underneath my desk I may in fact be the biggest fucking slacker on the planet. It doesn't help that I have two giant windows to look out and free reign to take breaks whenever I want (breaks from fucking the dog I mean). So I thought for you know a change of pace I might get a bit of work done. I mean I always get my work done I just tend to squeeze it all into an hour and then fuck around for the other seven. Wish me luck.

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So I thought for you know a change of pace I might get a bit of work done.

Your talking crazy talk!

Actually I hear ya though. I can get my work done very efficiently and quickly. So I leave it till the last minute. Which usually gives me about 7 hours a day of slack time. The biggest problem is finding things to do so it doesn't look like I'm not doing anything. It's an open concept office :(

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I may in fact be the biggest fucking slacker on the planet.

I'll challenge that...I routinely don't show up to work...and when I do, it's for a few hours in late morning/early afternoon. For those precious few hours, I do as little as possible and what's more, my boss told me that I'm the best grad student he's ever had! That's why I suggest staying in school for life. You never make any money, but if you do it right, you don't lose money either. Good times, good times indeed!

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