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i think the problem is we all benefit from their hospitality and as such the queen of the castle can humiliate you or yell at you in front of people cause it's her turf, there's probably something to be said for not bothering to veil your contempt but i'm quite happy to reciprocate..

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Hey Tasha,

best of luck with the job, im not thinkin that the oversight of the signature will affect the outcome as long as the qualifications are there... wish we had of seen you in Toronto, it was Peterborough and Toronto for me... lookin forward to gettin that Deer Creek picture off of ya someday too...

not knowing the situation of what went down but can pretty much pull from it on here , i was wondering if any of the previous posts should have been made in purple?

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I guess I owe fetish an apology. I was in a particularly grumpy state with a bunged up arm. I overstayed my welcome as usual and failed to pick up on the not-so-subtle cues to get the hell out of dodge. As usual I'm not fond of being singled out for getting up to all of the same things as everyone else.

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Kung ive gotta say... i appreciate the fact that you did apologize to Tasha... your quote about not being fond of being singled out has me thinkin... you have a way of doing that all on your own... if at first u had of let things be instead of talking shit then there would have been no problem in the first place... you have a knack for using your over the top prose to either talk down to people or make them feel like shit... and Im not even a person uve singled out before... just from what ive seen on here for a few years now... stirring up the pot to get diferent view points is one thing... stirring up the pot to be negative and hurt someone is another...

just my $0.02

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I feel you passed out dawg. I guess my sense of it is that I do make a lot of my life public domain just by being a public and online persona. To that end though if someone calls me on my behaviour, in what could be called a normative community, I feel like they should also be subject to judgment even though they have maybe not decided to open themselves to that. Either way the machinations of both pride and shame are a part of the far more subtle workings of the ego. People toss around words like egomania and maybe I'm guilty of that but in general the ego building forces, the Apollonian if you like, go hand in hand with the Dionysian.

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I find it very comical that the only people gating off about Kung's actions are people that weren't even there in the first place.Anyone else find it odd (drama whore odd I mean) that the folks most bothered by Kung on thursday night/friday morning are folks who weren't there?

Not condoning or condeming anyone's actions or comments within this thread,but I was there until the end,simply because I didn't feel like walking back to steeltown,I do believe I made comment about leaving as soon as the buses were running earlier in the evening,which I did.Groovefetish has the right to make any comments about anyone of us that were still there and anyone of us has the right to rebutte,but I don't see how a verbal swarming on Kung is rightfully just by anyone who wasn't there.....

My measely 2 fuckin cents....

As mentioned in my previous post,thanks for having me back Tasha & Pete,always appreciated and it was great to see ya guys again,especially on my b-day.

And for the record:

I take that drive with ya Kung....

...given the first chance I'd knock the camera man out,steal his gear and start our own "reality" show where we follow bands around and purposely upset fans......

....well bands with ultra sensitive,almighty,higher then thou,sketchy,shady & ungrateful fans like Phishheads or SCI..oh wait...we already do that.

Now thats pure comedy.....

Note:Nothing in my post needs to be in purple

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Hey Pete & Tasha - just wanted to thank you whole heartedly for having us all over thursday night (well, friday morning if you wanna get technical!) You guys are fabulous hosts... as always. It's so nice to have somewhere to go after a show where you can sit down and get to know the people you are partying with all the time.

Nero - it's always a treat when you play our parts. The show was great, i loved every second of it.

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wow was that directed at me Greg? must be it wasnt in purple... as I stated earlier I know I wasnt there but when it comes to someone insulting a friend who happened to be the host i find that completely disrespectful... guess only people that are loud on the board or post 30 times a day are aloowed to have an opinion...

nope no purple necessary as well...

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wow was that directed at me Greg? must be it wasnt in purple... as I stated earlier I know I wasnt there but when it comes to someone insulting a friend who happened to be the host i find that completely disrespectful... guess only people that are loud on the board or post 30 times a day are aloowed to have an opinion...

nope no purple necessary as well...

Hmmm,if it had been personally directed in your direction I would have mentioned it or directly quoted you as I have done in this post.The purple comment is also a comment I have made in many other threads Bob,and no offence,but they were'nt directed at you either....my apology's if you had thought that in the past.

Just as everyone else has mentioned...

was just my 2 cents or my "opinion" I guess..

ps.No worries about the 30+ posts either...I'll be gone for the next 30 myself,so there's an opening if ya want it.

Its one of the draw backs to not being able to work and my appending "vacation"...posting 30+ in a day that is.

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So I take it your not interested in taking over for me in being one of the honored folks in the hallowed halls of " people that are loud on the board or post 30 times a day are aloowed to have an opinion..." ?

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so ya couldnt just let that go could ya... first off , it was not directed just at you... hell think of how many time Booche posts on here... and dont think i dont enjoy your posts because i have always seen you as a vibrant part of this community... and sorry but the thirty post a day thing... i just cant do it... all the best for the next month Esau... hopefully it will fly by for u...

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so ya couldnt just let that go could ya..

nope,funny thing is I'm like everyone else here....posting after things should have been left alone.I guess,seeing my name "Greg" in the first three or four words led me to think youy were talking to me...once again,my mistake & apologys.

...guess I really need to actually use that purple color to convey humor...thats sad though that it comes to that.First it was smileys for folks to understand..now specific colors...

I'll refrain from making light of anything with ya buddy.

[color:"yellow"] I may just start using purple for everything to ruin the comedic value of it all.

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