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Only a week left until another great American band makes a trek up north!!



Friday, June 11

Pepper Jack's, Hamilton

9PM Doors/ 19+, $6

Hope to see you there.

Some Press:

“For the past month, the band’s debut album ‘It’s Coming Down’ has not left our CD player. It’s a highly addictive album showcasing the band’s musicianship, and ability to deliver a good song. It’s a rare treat to hear a band that gets classified in the jamband genre to be mature songwriters at such a young age in the band’s history.”


Burlington, Vt.

“The quality of playing blew me away. All four guys were stars, but that keyboard player is a superstar. Very Hornsby in his writing and singing, very Medeski with his jams. I have had the CD for a few months, and being a little familiar with the songs impressed me even more.”

CanJam News

Toronto, Canada

“Eclectic is a goal towards which more and more bands are aspiring. But Smokestack has turned this into an art form; their set lists are unpredictable and meticulously documented on their website. They are all highly capable musicians and this paves the way for a performance that is constantly evolving and highly experimental.”

The Northern Express

Traverse City, Mich.

“Musically, Smokestack has much in common with the jazzier contemporary jam bands, especially String Cheese Incident and Phish. The music is intensely eclectic, with elements of Latin, bebop, reggae, fusion and bluegrass. The musicianship is at an extremely high level.”

The Aspen Times

Aspen, Colo.

“These are people who have studied their instruments and it comes out in their performance. They know what they are doing. My advice is this: go see Smokestack while their tickets are still cheap.”


“This is one of the best albums released in the past year and if the opportunity is available to see Smokestack in action, jump at the chance because sooner then later, their shows will begin to sell out.”

Revolving Door


Syracuse, NY

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I've been looking forward to this show for a while now. The live shows Shane's been passing around have been 'smokin' ;)

It's also Electric Meat's first time playing at PJC, or even Hamilton I believe.

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I wish I could be in more than one place than once so that I could make this show! It will be a good one I am sure.

All four guys were stars, but that keyboard player is a superstar.

I saw Smokestack twice the last time they played in Ontario, and I do remember the keyboard player as being a standout. I don't know what makes a musician a star, or a superstar, but this guy can play. And the rest of the band was really good as well.

I'd also really like to see Electric Meat as I've only seen them once a while ago in the afternoon at a Come Together Fest and I thought they were really good.

Peace, Mark

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I don't think I can make it to this show tonight. Shain - can you tell those guys I say hello?

They partied with me and crashed at my place after their show the last time they came through Toronto and were a total blast. Tell them to come play Toronto again soon!


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