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PICTURES! - Bonnaroo Travel Journal!


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Anyone check out Xavier Rudd at Bonnaroo?

Studog did. He told me that it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

I'm still trapped in Windsor. I've got loads of pictures to go through and get posted. Please stand by; this 'trip' ain't over yet. :)

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hey del ... oh ya i saw this cat, like willy said it was one of the most amazing shows of the weekend .. i was lucky to catch him.. he had a huge crowd too ..

that pic u posted i swear that is mine, i shot and shot this cat, i think bacon and I are going to stop by friday l'll bring my pics ..

willy -- sorry you are still in windsor, that's a bummer, be careful - worst city in canada. Get hold of Hux..

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I've seen Xavier a few times in Australia.. this is where he's from. He's okay, and worth checking out... but in the interest of honesty (it takes a lot to please me), he really doesn't have much going for him.

He plays a lot of intruments, and does it all at once, so thats impressive, until you notice that to do this he has to make all his songs sound very similar. He seems to only be able to play one drum beat etc. when he's trying to play so many songs at once.

I saw him at a fest and saw Keller shortly before or after, and Xaviar just doesnt' compare, can't compare with proper looping of instruments. Thats the way one man acts have to go in my opinion.

Second, the first time I saw him I had my eyes shut and was convinced Ben Harper or Jack Johnson was on stage. Coincidently they're all on the same label and all sound the same (I think).

The last negative thing I can say (in a bad mood this month I reckon) is that he hasn't really got the chops to play with others. He came out with Kellar, and Kellar played the didg better then Xavier BUT Kellar didn't even have a didg! He just made the noise with his mouth. And he came out and played a lap slide guitar or whatever with SCI for the closing ceremony and embarassed himself. Was playing a different song, and not doing it very well.... whats worse is nobody bailed him out, so he had to have the focus and lights on him for a good minute and a half trying to solo to a different song then everyone else.

All that being said, he has a promising upside, and would be a great act to see in certain circumstances. I would go back, I just wouldn't make it a focal point. What can I say, I'm a hard ass.

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haha, sorry Willy, but i personally did get a good laugh about your van.. for reasons im sure you understand... whats with Jazzy and being a few hours from home? hahaha...

No worries dude! I totally expected that you would! :D I was thinking about our trip when it was going down. I was still smiling though! :D

What I didn't understand is what exactly you were looking for. It's a trip diary and that was my trip.

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well Willy, since the title of the thread was "Bonnaroo" travel journal, and not "Willy's" travel journal, i guess i was looking for some insight into Bonnaroo... i guess i was mislead, or i misinterpreted... at any rate, i guess i looked at the big picture and thought, well, this is a pretty big site, i mean, as far as a music info site goes, jambands.ca is pretty well known, and consider all the people who are signed on, who have user names, i would guess there's a whole other tier, maybe just as large, maybe not, but i would hope just as large or larger, more people, who check this place out everyday, or every week or so, to see whats goin on in jam music, and music in general, and well, with a topic like "Bonnaroo" travel journal, that it would be a bit of an injustice to them to not inform them about Bonnaroo.. i mean, its a website's credibility you're playing with, when you really break it down.

but, maybe i take things like that a little too serious... i just think the priviledge warrants responsibility.

whatever... i'm glad you had a good time.

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hahaha, thats pretty funny, Don.

i really couldn't care less about being at Bonnaroo. clearly you missed the point.

and perhaps i missed the point, too, which is what i said in the beginning... i was under the impression we were getting Bonnaroo updates, as thats what the thread was titled... so, thats why i made my statement in the beginning.. but, since i've been told that it wasnt a bonnaroo update, that it was a willy update, fine, my statement doesnt hold water NOW, but it DID before i knew that.


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I think what you do is great Willy, and I think alot of others would agree with me, everytime i read your entries I feel like I'm there in Tennessee again, I'm still reading last years again and again too

keep up the good work, and pay no attention to those guys, the rest of us can't get enough of your writing.


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