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Your heady travel plans?


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I'm assuming that a lot of people here travel to hit bits and pieces of Phish tour whenever they can. So, given that Phish will no longer be touring, what will you do instead? Will you just be doing nothing? Or will you be hitting other tours/festivals?

For me, I'll still need to get my jam tour fix, I'd love to catch SCI tour whenever I can, and I'd love to hit some of the smaller festivals, and that Jamcruise sounds out of this world!

What about you? And you? And you?

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I've got plenty of at least tentative travel plans ahead of me!!! Fresh out of university, the time is right. My August plans go a little something like this: Hit up NEK Festival in northern VT, hang out a few days in between, possibly hook up with VT Dave and other skanks (whattaya think VT Dave?), then final Phish show, then from there heading East for a few weeks visiting people, camping and just moving, leading up to Evolve. After Evolve if I have any money still, I might head over to NFLD for a few days, then driving back..

Next Winter, hopefully I'll be in Nelson BC, snowboarding and a lifty job would do the trick.. Next Spring I'm thinking about moving to Japan to teach English for a year. Pay off my OSAP, teach, travel a bit. There are a few towns over there where I can make a good buck teaching and surf in my spare time (Koshung, Chiba, Miyakazi).

After that I'd like to head South, down to New Zealand and/or Oz. Then who knows!

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Well, I'm moving in Sept to the UK and will hopefully do some Europe travelling while I'm living there. There are cheap flights all the time, so I can take a weekend here, weekend there..

Maybe go to Glastonbury or the North Sea jazzfest. When I come back, I'll be broke and in school. Go Hamilton.

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I actually got excited hearing that you were going abroad Shain. Not excited for you just excited you wouldn't be around! Seriously though that'll be good for you, my brother he's a youngin like you and he's been living in London for the last long stretch after starting teaching English in Italy (and picking up the flight attendant on his Rome to London flight who was still his girlfriend until recently). Anyways now he's working in a health club but he's had a steady apartment or roomette in Camden market for a good time and he only went over with like $3000 CAN. Dude I'd drop that at the bar, on drugs and cover charges in the first week! Oh yeah what was i saying travel plans. Well I do a lot of Canadian travelling cause of my border allergy but I've grown to love this great country of ours, lately I've been actually missing the east so I may have to go visit my other younger brother in Hali maybe if WEEN makes it up there! It's pretty much one-offs or mini tours for me and Ween, The Slip and a small handful of others are high on the priority list.

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Well Luke (and everyone else), tis official. It was official as of nero last week and now my credit card went through for my plane ticket, so it is definitly official now.

I got approved for my exchange program, am on my way to get a work/student VISA and have booked my plane ticket, leaving at 9AM on September 10th. I also secured a place to live there and a way up from London. I'm getting ready.

I'll be living in Leeds, UK, in the city (Headingley) by the University for a year. I get 2 months of the 8 month year off, as well as the summer so there is plenty of time to travel and explore. I want to do anything, everything and just, for lack of a better work right now, GIV'R.

I'll hopefully get a job bartending, booking, whatever b/c I'm eligible to work 20hrs a week and then when I come home, it'll be thesis, debt paying off and school time in Sept 05.

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I was fortunate enough to hear about Shain's plans last week,awesome buddy, definatley a great life expirence and I know you'll make the most of it.

Back to the question at hand.

The only festival I plan on hitting up at all this summer is the DCMF in the Yukon,that is,depending if my inheritence comes in before hand,if it doesn't then I'll be taking it easy and instead of the festival/bar/concert scene I plan on camping/canoeing/portaging/hiking in Algonquin & Tobermory,and without a doubt some northern destinations also like Pickle Lake area up to Moose Jaw etc.

One way or another,I want to be in the Yukon this year,even if just for a visit.

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