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What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?


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i think i want: "Fuck This Guy".


c'mon... i'd get alllll the necrophiliacs... and if you're dead, and you want sex, you dont really have a choice BUT to go for A necrophiliac.... let alone all of them.

seriously. its just thinking ahead.

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If I was to be buried and had a tombstone I guess maybe this would suffice:

I'm closin' the book

On the pages and the text

And I don't really care

What happens next.

I'm just going,

I'm going,

I'm gone.

I actually am planning on cremation.Ashes are easier to ditch afterwards.

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Well, I dont know if there will be a tombstone when I decide my work here is done. I have politely requested, ala Chong, that my ashes be ever so sprinkled inside a 'bomber' and everyone can get a little Booche in them should they partake.

I suppose if there is a tombstone, it could say:

He was my favorite strain of weed

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for the record, i think ashes are definately the way to go... maybe if you get your ashes to spell out what you wanted on you... oh, nevermind... just thought it'd be a fun exercise.. and hey, who knows, if i got enough coin kickin' around when i'll go, maybe i'll have 'em put a box in the ground just for kicks.. best of both worlds..

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