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Wow......!!!! What a crazy night!!!!

Unfortunately, the campaign I was working on down here in Windsor didn't make the cut, but while we lost the battle, we won the bigger war.

The results were a big surprise, when a week ago the Conservatives were cracking champagne on their plane....thank you voters of Ont. for kicking back the right-wing sh!t, perhaps for good. Last night the country took a big left-turn, and rejected the conservative option, and now we have a cozy Liberal/NDP group of MP's who could do some real good.

"Anybody an expert on parliamentry procedure (Hux?) ? What happens if there is a tie ona confidence vote? Who is the tie-breaker? Governor General? The Senate? Supreme Court? Jambands.ca?"

It's actually Booche, no, it's the Speaker of the House.

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According to this, the Speaker is elected (by secret ballot) from the set of sitting MPs, and only votes to break ties.

So, what would be a good strategy for, say, the Liberals when it came to electing the Speaker? If they get a Liberal, then their bloc is reduced by one, which makes Liberals + NDP exactly equal Conservatives + BQ, and that former-PC/now-independent vote becomes the swing vote.

If, say, a Conservative gets to be Speaker, then Liberals+NDP exceeds Conservatives+Bloc by two votes, and that former-PC/now-independent vote doesn't matter as much, assuming each party votes together.



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Today I'm proud to be a Canadian. That the electorate went out and voted back the Liberals into a minority situation with the NDP gaining ground. And only being one vote for the two of these parties running the country with a majority is a better result than I could have possibly imagined.

The Conservative party got their butts kicked by losing 8% of their vote from the previous election with the combined Canadian Alliance/Proggressive Conservative party.

Canadians said no to the Conservatives and said we would rather punish the Liberals by rewarding the left, and the BQ.

My only wish was that the Green vote went to the NDP and/or Liberals as we would definitely be in a majority coalition with the Liberals/NDP if that was the case.

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My only wish was that the Green vote went to the NDP and/or Liberals as we would definitely be in a majority coalition with the Liberals/NDP if that was the case.

funny, my wish was that ALL the Liberal/NDP voters checked [color:"green"] GREEN on their ballots!

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