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The sh!tty Day At Work Thread


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hey caroline how about this...

remember when we went for a walk at izzy's, and then instead of going around the lake it came to a dead end and we had to turn around? that was funny.

then when we drove to waterton and it happened again but in the car... that was kind of funny too, because it had already happened when we were walking. haha.

and how about when we were sitting on the picnic table by the stage and i went to drink my beer but i missed my face by about an inch and poured beer right onto my crotch? i'm not sure if you were there yet for that but my my. it was good times. ;)

PS maybe one of these days you should tell that co worker to ffuck right off, i bet that would be funny too.

Edit: waterFORD! all day that's been bothering me. still feeling the effects of the weekend....

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And what, pray tell, is a good day at work?

A day during which:

  • you accomplish or produce something
  • a solution to a problem which has been bugging you for a while suddenly has a solution
  • you display those skills that you were hired for, and impress the people you're supposed to impress
  • you learn something



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i took off at 1:30 today... couldnt take it anymore... also had a pounding earache to make matters worse, so i went to the walk-in clinic... apparently, there's nothing wrong with me...

cheers to the folks who tried to spread some vibes... but sometimes, ya just need a thread to bitch in. haha.


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