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system crash...again


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So.once again my computer crashed this morning,and once again I lost everything,my music,programs etc.Seems each time this occurs I get a DOS meesege saying some DLL sh!t isnt working.What the fu©k!?

Now again I find myself,with a hacked copy of XP that always screws up and no other OS to install until I can purchase a new OS.

Is there anyone in Hamilton who has a good working copy of win 98 (sick of XP screwing up) that I could borrow for a couple days to see if its the copy of XP or my computer that is screwed.When I do a disk check of my HD everything shows as being good with no errors so I assume its the OS that is bunk,but to be sure I'd like to install 98 (SE even) to see what the hell is going on.

My copy of XP doesn't allow me to update the SP1 so this could also be the problem,I'm figureing that MS is zapping my computers DLL's since I'm using a serial key that is well known as a hack key,all ateempts to use a valid (somewhat) key have failed,even tried the product key changer to no avail.

Unfortunatley,I'm tight on $$ right now so I have no choice on buying the new OS this weekend,but will be able to next week,I just want to check if its my computer or the OS.

Argh...4 days smooth and this again....what a freakin week...

-end rant-

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try reinstalling xp again...but make sure you format your hard drive and then reinstal clean. installing over the same partition won't fix a thing...goodluck!!

Obviously.I run Killdisk to erase,(4 times) which deletes all info,partitions & deep rooted data.I only install clean since my computer has never allowed any installation that isn't clean.At the beginning of the week while Del was here he witnessed me do 5 clean istalls each with the same result,it works for a brief period then it crashed with unrecoverable data when I try a system restore.

I'm not even sure if its my anti-virus deleteing the DLL's.I'm using ZA security suite which has worked great up until I got out of the bucket last week when all this sh!t started up.

Thanks anyway.

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Yeah but unfortunatley,I cannot even download with this P1 since its on slow dial up and has 1.5GB HD,so until I install an OS on my computer,I can't even get a copy of 2000 unless I bgorrow one,which brings me back to my first post.

Thanks though.

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In my experience, win98 is way more unstable than XP (which actually turned out to be a big improvement). Memory management is better along with a number of other things (once you're updated of course). The fact that you're working with a hacked, and unupdateable copy is probably your downfall.

You might as well spend the time you're wasting trying to install windows and spend it learning to install and use linux. Linux is progressively becoming easier to use. Redhat 9 shouldn't be too difficult. It's free.

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In my experience, win98 is way more unstable than XP (which actually turned out to be a big improvement). Memory management is better along with a number of other things (once you're updated of course). The fact that you're working with a hacked, and unupdateable copy is probably your downfall.

You might as well spend the time you're wasting trying to install windows and spend it learning to install and use linux. Linux is progressively becoming easier to use. Redhat 9 shouldn't be too difficult. It's free.

Yeah,I ran Redhat before.NFG in my opinion.As for 98 vs xp,I find both easy and stable.My time wasted turns out to be a hard disk error,so it looks like my HD is cashed.Like I mentioned,I sorta knew that the hacked version was my downfall,turns out the copy is fine,the key was bad.

Anyway,looks liike I gotta buy a new HD next week.

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