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Random Thoughts From Right Now


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Random Thoughts From Right Now:

1. yummy vegemetarian dishes

2. will I ever wake up this morning?

3. the dream I was having just before I woke up >> I had a job as a maid and was trying to get a job done so that we could get a move on. Todd and ???someone??? were pitching in to help out, but Todd was trashed and therefore acting silly. I come around the corner into the kitchen, and there's Todd cleaning the stove, wearing my summer jammies and a frilly apron! I think I was laughing out loud as I woke up.

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  • 1 month later...
girls play the best mind games. and by best i mean worst.

Amen brother.

fu©k you! :) it's your own damn fault for going for the weird ones. i know one guy that plays the worst mind games i have ever seen in my life, he is one manipulative bastard and will fu©k with you until he either gets what he wants or fucks up your life and your entire view of yourself. little fu©ker can't take the fact that finally someone wont give him all that he wants.

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Lovely reply there Bokonon.

I think everyone knows someone male or female that plays these games, I wasn't singling out females in general, just in my very recent experience, girls play wicked mind games. I don't know if guys do or not, I've never been in that situation.

I've recently been duped by a girl with the king of all mind games, I'd share but it's a bit too personal for the internet.


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Lovely reply there Bokonon.

I think everyone knows someone male or female that plays these games, I wasn't singling out females in general, just in my very recent experience, girls play wicked mind games. I don't know if guys do or not, I've never been in that situation.

I've recently been duped by a girl with the king of all mind games, I'd share but it's a bit too personal for the internet.


i didn't mean that reply as a personal joust, i just like to be vulgar when expressing my opionions about sexism! i really hate being lumped all together with all women. trust me, most women don't even like me. i don't have a very typical value system and i find that this is often threatening. i really don't mean it to be. i really just wish people would live how they want to and let me do the same and we will all concede to try not to hurt other people. i really don't like to be forced to conform to other people's standards or ideals. such as quite recently when i got made fun of for not having that much clothing. (meaning that i wear the same clothes in frequent rotation) most women my age seem to really care about that. i don't. i only have so much space in my drawers and so much money to buy clothes as i have lived on my own while working at sh!tty low paying jobs since i was 17. when it is a choice between having lots of good food to eat and getting a spiffy new whatever from that oh so cool store, i go for the food. and that is my rant for today.

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