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Man what a sh!tty morning. Kiersten's car was stolen last night, some time between 10pm and 9am last night from the corner of Laurier and Bay. If anyone out there happens to see it driving around give me a call at 231-2461...


Late 80's

Blue Green Dodge Shadow

Two Door

LP # - ANPA 291

Rust on the front of the hood

really dim headlights

I'm going to kill these little fu©ckers when i find them! ::

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Late 80's

Blue Green Dodge Shadow

Rust on the front of the hood

really dim headlights

hmmmmm..... so, how long after calling the police does she get to cash in & buy a new car on her insurance company? heehee.

that really sucks! sounds like it was probably some ratass kids going for a joyride... hopefully they'll just find it abandoned somewhere when it runs out of gas (and not in a ditch either).

good vibes to her getting the car back safe & sound!

(((((((((((((( kiersten gets her car back ))))))))))))))

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Not sure, just found out that in fact she does have theft insurance, so this might turn into a good thing in time. The car wasn't nice enough to steal and chop up, that's why I'm assuming it's some punk ass kid out on a joyride... Didn't have much gas in it so they presumably they didn't get too far.

I'll be sure to pass on the good vibes, she needs them.

PS - worst thing is she just put 500 bucks worth of work into it last week.

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Thanks hon.

Here is the closest picture of the car i could find on the net, it's a little older and a two door, but the color is right.


So I ran all the way up Bronson today, cause I saw a car that looked like hers...it wasn't but I just had to be sure. Went and tlaked to the staff at the apt. building across the street that has outside cameras, they said they'd tell their secruity to review the tapes. Now Hux and I are going to go out and drive around see if we can spot it....Gotta do something.

Hey Sharon does Minto have any outside cameras that face out on to Laurier???? They might have caught something, the car was only a half block away....let me know.

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That's sh!tty about the car man, I would hate to have my car stolen it's my life line sometimes. It's weird that I can place so much value on a hunk of metal.

Since everyone is already out scouting the streets maybe you could help me. I am in search of Del. Well actually his friend Julian is. I've got to get the message to jay to call his friend Julian or to check his email, it's all explained in there. It's extremely IMPORTANT.

So good luck in your search, with such efforts I'm sure the car will turn up. And if anyone sees Del pass the msg on for Julian, that's all I'm tryin to do.

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